Chapter 17

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『Glenn's POV』
After the small fight between Maggie and Callie, I sat on the porch to think. I was getting mixed feelings from Maggie. I couldn't always tell if one minute she hated me or liked me, especially after the pharmacy run.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and looked up to see Maggie coming to join me.

"He should be fine. It's just a broken nose. Should be healed in a few weeks.  What a bitch. " she said, whispering the last sentence.

" I know why Callie punched him. " I said. Not liking Maggie calling Callie a  bitch.

"What? " Maggie asked.

"She was abused by her father since she was eight. She has PTSD from it and Thomas triggered it. " I claimed.

"What? " Maggie asked, I couldn't tell if she was shocked or as if she didn't believe what I just said.

"Yeah, umm. Back at our old camp. I came back from a run. I saw something, I shouldn't have. But Callie. She made me promise not to tell anyone. I didn't like it but she threatened to never talk to me again if I said anything to Shane or anyone. " I explained.

"That's awful. I didn't know. " Maggie said. I could tell she felt sorry for what she had said.

" I should apologize. "

"You can't tell her that I told you. " I told her, still not wanting to remind Callie's and mine of our friendship.

" I won't. " Maggie replied as she walked away

I knew she would keep her promise. At least I hope she will.
『Callie's POV』

"You should be more careful. '' my mother continued to pry as she watched Patrictia wrap my wrist. If you guess it, yup.  I broke my hand punching Thomas in the face.

" Yeah thanks for the pep talk. " I mumbled.

" There, it should be healed in a few weeks. " Patrictia said after she finished wrapping my hand.

"Would I be able to still look for Sophia? " I asked her. 

She glanced over at my mother before looking back at me. "How about you just rest for a few. Don't want you hurting anything else. " she said before she got up and left.

"How is she? " I heard Rick's voice as he walked into the kitchen.

"Should be healed in a few weeks." My mother answered him. I always hated when she spoke for me. But I just kept my mouth shut.

"Sorry Rick. I didn't mean to break his nose. " I told him. " I hope it doesn't screw the search over. "

"Let me worry about that. For now you just get some rest " said Rick. I only nodded back.

"And next time, go for the throat. Much more effective. " Rick said with a wink before he walked out of the room.

Only for me to put a small grin on me.

A few minutes passed and I found myself sitting next to a tree, tearing some grass up with my free hand.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and looked up to see Maggie making her way over.

"What do you want? " I asked.

" I want to apologize. " she started.
『Maggje's POV』

When Glenn told me about Callie's past, I just knew I had to apologize to her for calling her a bitch. Even though I didn't like her punching Thomas in the face.

I asked Carol where I would find her and she said next to the apple tree in which I made my way over.

" I came here to apologize. '' I told her when she greet me in an unfriendly way.

" So? " she responded. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what happened. I shouldn't have called you a bitch. " I told her. "And you were right, Thomas shouldn't have done that. " I added.

It was a few moments of silence before she spoke. "' Fine. I forgive you. " I said. "Only cause I know you mean a lot to Glenn. " she added.

"I do? "

"I've seen the way be looks at you. Same way he would look at me when we were back at the quarry. " Callie explained.

I just gave her a look. Did I just steal her man?

"Oh. Nuh uh. " she said. "Glenn and I are just best friends. " she explained. " Besides, he's like a brother. I love him like a brother and that's all he will be."

"Point taken. "

Suddenly Dale and T-Dog showed up running and out of breath. " There's a walker in the well. " claimed T-Dog causing both Maggie and I to look at each other.

『Bri's POV』
The next thing we knew, everyone was gathered around the well, looking down at a big fat walker that was stuck down in it.

"Sounds like fun. " said Callie, taking off her jacket

" No way. You just broke your hand. I'll go. " said Thomas.

" Hell no. " said Maggie. "What will dad do if you got hurt. "

"This is our farm and one day I'm gonna run it. So I have to start making decisions that will help protect  us. " said Thomas.

"No offense son, but I think your both right. If something happens to your dad, it's up to you to run your farm but if something happens to you. Dale started.

" Besides, I don't think we will be able to pull you back up. " said Shane.

"So we need someone smaller than Thomas to go down the well but be able to pull back up. " said Andrea, causing everyone else to look at Glenn.

"Oh boy. " said Glenn.

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