Chapter 43

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『Thomas’ POV』

Lucy, Daryl, and I meet Merle and Callie back at the gate once they have returned. It took them a lot longer to get back from when they said they would be causing me to worry and wanting a search party to go out or to search for them myself. But Daryl managed to talk me out of it.

“Would you look at that?” claimed Daryl. We both turned to see a huge buck tied to Merle’s truck as it made its way into the gate.

When Merle and Callie came out, Lucy and I quickly ran over to them, pulling Callie into a hug. It wasn’t until we pulled away that I noticed she had a black eye and a cut lip.

“What happened? “ I asked worriedly as I examined her face. “Did you do this to her? “I questioned Merle angrily. We’ve never truly gotten along, sometimes well most of the time Merle would often push my buttons.

“ No-No. He didn’t. He saved my life.” claimed Callie.

“Saved?What happened?” I questioned her.

“Red and I here ran into a little trouble while on the hunt. But we took care of it. Right Red?” explained Merle.

“What kind of trouble? “ asked Daryl, his accent thick and deep.

“It was nothing. Like Merle said, we handled it.” claimed Callie before we followed them inside the prison.

“I want you to get looked at by Dr.S.” I called out to her. She knew better than to argue with me.It was pointless when we both argued. We were just too stubborn to admit when we were wrong.

When I got a nod from her, I decided to go see my father. I knew it was best to let him know if there was a possible threat. But also, he always manages to get Callie to talk whenever something bothers her.

I said hello to a few people as I made my way into the cell block where the prison council normally held its meeting. We don’t have a lot of meetings, though. Normally, it's to decide an outsider’s fence or to discuss possible threats.

“Callie and Merle are back.” I announced to my father as he, Beth, and Bri were having a small bible session. I gave that up a long time ago, but it still didn’t hurt me to listen once in a while. Mostly for my father’s sake.
“They came back in one piece? “ Herschel asked, not even looking up.

“They ran into some trouble. Thought we should have a council meeting.” I suggested.

“Have everyone in the library in a half hour.” responded my father, causing me to nod my head before walking out the door.

After talking with my father, I gathered up the council, which consisted of Glenn, Sasha, Daryl, Carol, Bri, Callie, and I. Callie didn’t really like the fact that I ordered a meeting. But I needed to know what really happened out there.


『Bri’s POV』

“Like I said, Merle and I had come across Peter in the woods.He almost stole our game.” explained Callie.

I could tell she was a little irritated with the meeting. But wasn’t sure if she was irritated with the meeting or the fact that Thomas had called for one.

“Did you ask him the three questions?” Glenn asked.

“Yes I’ve asked the damn questions, and he still passed.” responded Callie.

“Was he alone?” Hershel questions only getting a nod from Callie.

“Like I keep saying, He jumped, Merle then tried to kill me. But Merle saved my life.” continued Callie. Something in her voice didn’t seem to be convincing

“I’ve asked Merle himself. He says what happened, happened. I believe them.” Daryl spoke out.

“We just wanted to know if there was a threat.” claimed Hershel. It wasn't long until the meeting was over. I went over to Beth's cell to see what she was doing.

Only to find her with Judith. She has been the sole caregiver of Judith besides Carl and Rick. Though whenever the two needed to do their duties, it was Beth and I sometimes Carol who would help the two take care of Judith.

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her read to Judith, leaning against the cell door. It was one of Judith’s favorite Charlotte’s Web. It became one of mine as well.

Lately, I have been too nervous to be around Beth, especially with the surprise I wanted to give her. Luckily, I had so much support like Maggie, Glenn, Callie, and even Hershel, who supported the two of us together. I haven’t told Thomas yet, but as much as I wanted to, Maggie warned me that Thomas wasn’t the best at keeping secrets, and I didn’t want him to ruin the proposal.

Judith’s cooing caught my attention, distracting me from my thoughts.

“She knows when people come to see her,” said Beth with a big smile.

“She's smart. Kinda like big brother, huh?” I said as I picked up Judith. “Are you smart like big brother Carl?” I asked her as I playfully flicked her nose, causing her to giggle.

Our attention soon turned to Daryl, who had claimed he was taking a group to the Big Spot.

“You coming or what?” Daryl asked. Obviously, he was the impatient one.

“Yeah, coming. “ I replied and grabbed my things before kissing Beth and Judith goodbye and following Daryl our the prison.

『Daryl's POV』

After gathering the group, which consisted of Sasha,Michonne,Zach,Bree, Thomas, and the new guy Bob, I went to make sure the vehicle we were taking was ready to go. Only to see Lucy seemingly already doing the job.

I walked over to the kid and helped her pack up the weapons and gear. “Are you sure you don't need another?” Lucy asked as she looked at the engine. The girl was always trying to go on runs with us adults or at least take part in other important tasks.

“You know the answer, Lou.” I told her. She hated it when I've always sided with Thomas and Callie. But I knew they were just being overprotective. They weren't wrong, Rick was overprotective of Carl and Judith. Everybody was protective over the kids.

“Then can you talk to them about me apprenticing with Dr.S?” she questioned as we overlooked the engine. The girl just won't quit. She got Callie's spirit alright.

“I'll make ya a deal. If you get Carl to join story time with the others, then I'll talk to them about it.” I promised her. Her and Carl didn't want to be like the other kids. They wanted to help the adults out. I didn't blame them, this was the world they came to know and will grow up in.

“Thank you, Uncle D.” called out Lucy as she kissed me on the cheek before walking away. As she walked, Michonne came over and handed her something, looking like comic books to share with Carl.

“Trying to join in again?” Michonne asked as I finished packing the van.

“What do ya think?” I responded only to get a small chuckle from the woman.

“Sure, she sure does act like Tom and Cal, huh?”

“She got 'em wrapped around her fingers. Everybody ready to go?” I asked. When I got a nod from her, I just shut the trunk of the car, and when everybody showed up, we made our way towards the gates.

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