Chapter 16

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『Bri' POV』

"Ooo, I want a cowboy.  " I claimed as I noticed the eldest Greene sibling making his way over with two of their horses while the rest of us women were doing our normal chores around the camp. Thomas was cute. He was tall, with dark hair, dark chocolate brown eyes, and broad shoulders. 

"Too late. That one is already taken." I heard Callie's voice. 

"Dang, you move fast, girl. " teased Andrea as the rest of us smiled lightly.

"I think. I don't know. " Callie then stated. 

"I can give you some advice. " her mother piped in. 

" No offense, mom, but you would be the last person on earth I'd take love advice from. " she said. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. Even if she was, it was a bit harsh to say. 

" Sorry. He just wants to help look for Sophia. " replied Callie. 

"I think that's a good idea." claimed Lori,folding some sheets.  Sometimes, she would help out her, or she would be with Carl. 

Soon enough, Thomas had made his way over with the horses, already saddles. "Morning ladies. " 

"Morning, and who are these beautiful creatures? " Lori replied as she stroked the black horse. 

"This here is Nelly and Bambi. " introduced Thomas. 

"Bambi? Like the deer? " Andrea questioned. 

"In my defense, Bethy was 10 when she named her. "  explained Thomas. 




『Callie's POV』

Thomas had shown up with two horses, Nelly, which belonged to Hershel and a black beauty; Bambi, which belonged to Beth. 

" Don't go too far. " my mother called out. 

"We're just going by the corral ma'am. You are all welcome to join in. " Thomas called out as we both walked away with the horses.

"If you need anything. Holler, I'll come running. " called out Dale from on top of his RV. 

"Yes, dad. " I answered with a slight grin. 

As soon as we got to the corral, Thomas had given me Bambi's reins and told me to start walking around until Bambi and I got used to each other.

A few moments have passed, and honestly, I was having a hard time getting onto the horse. 

"Alright. Alright. Try again. This time, put one foot in the saddle but wait until I say so, " Thomas said in between a small chuckle. I could tell he was laughing at my failure. 

I did as I was told, and suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my hips, giving me flashbacks of my father. 

The feelings of hands on my hips caused me to gasp a bit and turn around. 

Next thing I knew…





『Thomas' POV』

For the last half hour, I have been trying to help Callie learn how to ride a horse. But first, I knew she and Bambi had to bond before she could start riding her. 

When I noticed she was having a hard time getting up, I had gotten an idea to help her. 

But next thing I knew, I was getting a fistt in the face, and I could hear a bone breaking. 

Pain swelled through my nose and some in my face. Blood was also spilling on the ground. I can hear Callie repeatedly trying to apologize as she continues to look at my nose. 

"It's okay. I'm fine. " I tried to reassure her even though it wasn't. I'm pretty sure she broke my nose. 

The next thing I knew, Maggie and Glenb came running over. They must have just gotten back from their pharmacy run. 

"The hell happened? What did you do!? " Maggie yelled at Callie. 

"It was my fault, Mag. I accidentally spooked her. " I kept repeatedly trying to explain to avoid a fight, but Maggie wasn't having it and was ready to fight Callie. 

"He shouldn't be putting his hands where they don't belong! " yelled Callie as Glenn and I got in between them. 

"I don't want you near my brother again! You hear me!" Maggie threatened Callie. 

Our attention turned to the adults of the group as Rick, dad, and everyone else 

"What's going on!? " my father's voice boomed. 

"This son of a bitch broke Thomas' nose. " Maggie explained angrily causing Callie to lash out  towards  her but T-Dog, Glenn and Andrea held her back. 

"It was my fault. I was helping her up on the horse. I spooked her by accident. " I explained to dad as he checked my nose. 

" Let's get you in the house and get this nose bandage. Patricia why don't you check on Callie's hand. Tend to it not broken"  order my dad. 

I followed him into the house while Patrictia tended to Callie.

"So you got punch in the face by a girl. '' my father lightly joked as he bandaged my nose. 

"I should have ask if she needed help. " I explained to him. 

"You were doing what you felt right. " said my father. We have never seen eye to eye before but we were both trying. 

"I should apologize." I claimed. 

"Why don't you take it easy for a bit. Rest up before the two of you talk. Ice up that nose of yours. " my father replied. 

I just nodded. "How's the boy? " I questioned, changing the subject. 

"He'll live. But don't get too attached to these people. Once the boy is back on his feet and they find the girl, I want them gone. " 

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