Chapter 6

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Nightfall came, and we were all gathered around the campfire except for those who went on the rescue mission for Merle.

I was still disappointed that both Rick & Glenn wouldn't let me come with them. Despite my protest that I could be of more help and the fact that I wanted to try out my bat.

Rick's argument was that I was more helpful in camp by guarding it. Though, I had a feeling that he was just saying that, so my mother didn't have to worry.

Amy and Andrea had caught fish earlier that day, and I helped my mother cook them. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their fish and warming up by the campfire.

"I must say these are the best fish I've ever tasted." complimented Shane.

"It was all Callie's recipe." my mother replied proudly.

"You taught me." I answered. My mother and I used to cook together every weekend.' it was actually one of my favorite mother-daughter activities, and it turns out I had my mother's cooking skills.

"Well, either way. It was delicious and—"

Suddenly, everyone's head turned around when we all heard Amy say something but not before she started screaming when a geek walked up to her and bit her, causing more geeks to appear.

Everyone had gotten up and grabbed their nearest weapon. I quickly grabbed my bat as I rushed with everyone else to protect the others. Carl & Sophia screamed in fright as Lori & my mother picked them up.

" Go!Go! Go to the RV! " I yelled at them as Shane stood in front of Lori & Carl while I stood in front of my mother and Sophia, making our way to Dale's RV.

"Shane!To Your left! " I hollered at him, seeing a geek making his way.


There goes down the geek.

"'Thanks," called out Shane as we made our way over to the rv protecting Lori,Carl, my mother, and Sophia.

Shane and I stood next to each other as we blocked any geek coming out of the way to protect them. Mrs. Morales and her children started running towards us as soon as Mr. Morales made an opening for them.

"Come on! Come on! " I ushered them into the circle. Knocking out geeks on the way.

Suddenly, gun shots came from outside the camp, and I knew the others had camp back.

"Callie! Watch out! "

My mother's warning came almost a little too late. Luckily, I was fast enough to stop the geek from coming at me with my bat. Holding it against it to stop it from biting myself and others. I was struggling a bit as I fought with it before suddenly…


All of a sudden, it dropped dead. I turned to see Glenn with a shotgun in his hands. My heart is racing, and the adrenaline is still kicking in.

Soon enough, with the others that came back from the mission, all geeks were killed. Rick came running up to Lori and Carl and gave them a hug. I dropped my bat and turned to Sophia and mom.

" You alright? " I asked them as they both nodded before we all gave each other a tight hug. Our attention turned to Andrea, who was sobbing over Amy.

All I knew was that this was going to be a long, long night…

Author's Note
Testing the waters with the first POV for this chapter. Let me know what you guys think.

Anyway, moving on;
That's our girl Callie, she just turned 18 and she adores her little sister Sophia and Glenn. Although it doesn't show it right now, she loves her mother very much. She is just spitting out rage. More specifically, towards her father.
Like I said in the introduction,
her character is still growing, though I do have some surprises in for her.
However, I'd still like to take any suggestions in her character development, so feel free to leave them in the comments.

Also, feel free to ask me anyway questions if you have any of them.

P.S. I can't wait for you all to meet Thomas!

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