Chapter 23

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『Bri's Pov』

Everyone was shocked when Sophia had come out of the barn, but she wasn't Sophia anymore. Everyone was silent except for the sobbing sounds of Callie and Carol.

After at least an hour, Daryl had taken Carol back to Dale's RV while Callie didn't move an inch from Sophia's dead corpse.

T-Dog and Shane had started to gather the rest of the dead onto the truck. I made my way over to Lori and the others while they discussed what to do next.

"For Christ's sake, let her grieve. " Lori said as everyone looked over at Callie.

"I think maybe someone should talk to her." I peeped in. Before anyone else could say anything further, Andrea made her way over.

『Callie's POV』
I didn't move an inch from Sophia's body. I just kept staring at it. I'm trying not to cry, but it was too hard not to.

Part of me wanted to blame either Shane or Rick, but deep down, I knew it was my fault Sophia was dead.

My ears perked up a bit when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I quickly grabbed my bat and pointed at whoever was coming.


I gave her a look that said, "Come any closer and your dead meat. " causing Andrea to take a few steps back towards the others.

Lori came next and knelt down next to me. "Hey. We know you're going through some things, but we really need to bury Sophia. We will take good care of her. " she said with a soft voice. " I promise. "

Promise. Rick broke his promise.

I just slowly nodded and slowly got up to walk away. Not before I turned to Rick, and that was when I lost it. I started to pound my fists on his chest as if I were a little kid throwing a tantrum.

"You promised! You promised! You promised! " I repeatedly yelled at him, tears flowing down my face. He didn't even try to fight back. Coward! I screamed in my head.

Thomas had to finally pull me away and lead me back to the house. We didn't even make it to the steps of the stairs when I suddenly felt the world spinning, and before I knew it, it was like flicking off a light switch, and the world just went black.

『Thomas' POV』
"GLENN! MAGGIE! " I yelled just shortly, witnessing Callie passing out, barely caching her before she fell to the ground.

Both Glenn and Maggie came rushing out of the house. "Holy shit. " said Glenn.

"Grab her legs. " I told him as we both lifted Callie into the house and carried her up to my bedroom.

"What happened!? " Maggie asked.

"I don't know. She just passed out. " I explained. Bethy came in, obviously hearing the commotion.

"Go get dad and Carol! Now! "I yelled at her, watching as she quickly left the room.

As soon as she left, I pressed my ear against Callie's heart to see if there was still a heartbeat. "She's still breathing, but her eyes are open. " I said just as soon as Patricia came in with Maggie.

"She must be in some kind of shock. Where's your dad? " Patricia asked.

Glenn and I decided to go take a look around. Beth had cane running with Carol.

"Where is he? " Carol asked in a state of panic.

"Up in my room. Patrictia's looking after her. Have you seen my dad? " I asked her. She only shook her head.

"Uh, Thomas. " Glenn called from the dining room.

I walked over, only to see him holding the box that I've hidden my father's flask in to keep him from drinking. I quickly took it from him before looking around for it in the cabinets.

"What are you looking for? "

" A flask. " I answered as I continued to look for it but found nothing.

"Dammit. " I hissed, pounding the table.

"Did you find him? " Maggie called out.

"No, and his flask is gone. " I said.

"He wouldn't, Thomas. " claimed Maggie.

Or would he?

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