Chapter 1: Tell it to the Frogs

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Trigger Warning ahead
The following chapters 1-5 will mention the following:
*Mentions of abuse
*deception of violence


Are Glenn and the others back yet?" Callie asked her mother after helping Amy collect mushrooms in the woods and dropping them off with Lori.

" Not yet, sweetheart." replied her mother with a soft-spoken voice.

"Oh.." Was all that Callie could respond with. Normally, Glenn's supply runs didn't take too long. It might have taken either half a day or a full day for them to get back.

But panic began to stir in Callie's chest as she looked at her mother for reassurance. It, however, took her mother a hot second before Carol could muster a reply.

" But I'm sure everyone is doing just fine." Her mother claimed.

Her response gave Callie a little bit of hope before her father came over. Droping a cigarette bud on the ground before smushing it.

" Not too sure about that. Shane and Dale just got off the radio with them. They said they were trapped on a roof and that there's no way for them to get out. " her father paused for a second before giving Callie a full cold stare.

"Your little boyfriend's not coming back." His voice sounded harsh, but there was a hint of amusement in it as well. Ed had always hated the bond between his daughter and fellow survivor Glenn.

"Ed!" Scolded Carol giving her husband a short glare.

"He's not my boyfriend." claimed Callie, avoiding eye contact with her father. Everyone in the camp had often teased the two for their close bond and often thought of the two as a couple. But Callie knew two things.

Glenn wasn't her type

And two...
Glenn was her best friend.

"Just stating the obvious."Ed answered.

"How about I go make us all lunch. How do tuna sandwiches sound? Dale says he still has a bunch of cans that are going out of date. Might as well used it all up? " her mother suggested. Her mother was always good about changing the subject. Especially when the conversation began to be awkward or when it came to how abusive he was.

"No thanks. I'm getting sick of tuna." Callie mumbled quietly. How could she eat knowing Glenn and the others may never come back?

" Better watch how you talk to your mother! " he threatened.

" Tell it to the frogs!" Scolded Callie as she began to walk away. She could feel the anger boiling up in him, but her mother was quick to react and stirred him away.

This would be a rare occasion that Callie would get away with talking back to her father. But she knew she would feel his wrath later on when no one else was looking.

Suddenly, a blaring noise from the distance caused everyone's head to turn, but it caused Callie to cover her ears. She always had sensitive hearing. Especially after the incident when he had slammed her head against the wall one time.

" Dale, what is it? " Shane called out to the old man on top of the rv.

" Stolen car by the guess of it. " Dale called out after looking through his binoculars.

A red challenger with its alarm came blarring into camp before it parked behind the rv. With the alarm still ringing.

The driver's side door had finally opened. Revealing it to be a smiling Glenn. While everyone was yelling at him to turn off the alarm. Callie's face lighted up with delight as she ran over and jumped into his arms.


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