Chapter 4

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"We're going to get him back." Rick told Daryl as he got done explaining the whole Merle situation.

"You went through hell just to find us. Now you want to go back for some guy named Merle Dixon, " Lori called out.

Callie wouldn't blame the woman. She had just gotten her husband, whom she thought was dead back, and they had a son to look after.

" Lori's right. Merle's a creep. Why go and risk lives to rescue him. No offense, Daryl." Callie claimed, sidding with Lori.

"No offense "

"None taken."

"What's your name?" Rick asked her. Callie had forgotten that she had spoken to the man once and never thought to tell him her name.

"Callie. Callie Peletier."

" Well, Callie. We left that man cuffed to the roof. We kept him from thirst and exposed him to the heat. Just like an animal. But that's no way for anyone or anything to die. Especially a human." Rick explained. Callie understood the way Rick thought and knew she wouldn't want to be in Merle's situation either.

"So that's it? You're just going to rescue him?"

"And get our guns."


"Yeah. Plenty of them. Took the entire stash out of the station before we left. But I dropped them when I got swarmed."

It wasn't long until the four of them decided to go on the rescue mission. Well, Glenn didn't volunteer, Rick kinda made him go. But there was no one in the group that wouldn't make the others change their mind.

Callie wanted herself to go onto the rescue mission as well. But Glenn and Shane didn't let her have a say in it. So Callie was stuck guarding the camp.

She had stayed with Lori, Carl, and Sophia at the picnic table. Coloring with them.

" I was thinking. Would you mind giving me a trim sometime? " Callie asked Lori. Callie had been meaning to keep her appearance on check, but it wasn't worth it these days. But she figured it was due for a cut, and Lori cuts hair.

" Sure, sweetie. I can do it right now. The scissors are in Dale's RV. " Lori complied.

"Can you cut my hair too?" Sophia asked in a quiet voice.

" Of course I can. I need to cut Carl's anyway."

"But mom." whinned Carl.

"It's okay, Carl. I'll go first." Callie smiled as she ruffled the boy's hair. The girl had gotten up and wondered over to Dale's Rv.

" Hey, Dale! Can we borrow your scissors?" Callie asked.

"What for?" Dale called up from on top of his Rv.

"Lori's giving everyone haircuts."

"You think she will give me one?"

"Get in line, old man." Callie called out with a big smile only to retrieve a small chuckle in return.

" The scissors should be in the kitchen drawer closest to the fridge."

"Thanks, Dale. " Callie replied as she climbed into the Rv and started searching the drawers. She could hear laughter from the lake and peeked out to see Andrea,Amy,Jacqui, and her mother all laughing about something.

The teen rolled her eyes as she continued her search in the scissors. It wasn't long until she found them in the drawer that Dale claimed they were in.

"Bingo." She exclaimed as she grabbed them and walked back outside.
As she took a step onto the ground, her attention turned towards the others when she heard shouting.

She only saw Ed hitting her mother, not what caused him to do it. But it didn't matter to her. Anger boiled in her skin, third degree as she dropped the pair of scissors on the ground and rushed over to help her mother.

Callie had found herself jumping onto Ed's back and pounding her fist into him angrily.

" Get away from her! " she yelled. She had done this many times, but never had she had to defend her mother in front of the others.

The others tried to pry Callie off her father. But it only made things worse. Her father managed to shove her off, causing Callie to fall onto the ground.


Callie's head hit hard onto a rock. Ringing filled her ears as everyone else gathered around, shouting at Ed. Her vision began to become blurry as Callie watched Shane pry Ed away from everyone before she watched the man beat her father.

She couldn't remember much as her hearing and vision were starting to fade away. The last thing she remembered was Shane threatening him before the world went black.

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