Chapter 49

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『Lucy’s POV』

After learning about Beth and Maggie going after Judith, I quickly hopped off the back of the bus and ran across the prison, ducking and dodging bullets. I turned a corner only to bump into someone. I looked down to see Mika,Lizzy, Lukas, and his sister Molly alongside Judith.

“We gotta get on the bus. Aunt Maggie and Aunt Beth are looking for us. “ I told them, taking a gun from Mika.

I lead them over to go back to the bus only to see Tyreese being cornered by two of the governor's men. Lizzy and I both looked at each other and nodded as we pulled our trigger. I hit the man while Lizzy hit the woman. Tyreese popped up from his hiding place.

“We gotta go. “ he claimed as we nodded. Only for Lucas and his sister to run off. “Wait!” I yelled after them, but it was too late that they were gone.

Tyrese and I managed to lead Lizzy,Mika, and Judith outside the prison. Walking in the forest while keeping an eye out for walkers and any other potential threats. We didn't stop until nightfall. I had Judith laid down on a blanket as I quickly changed her. But she started to cry.

“They're going to hear her.” Claimed Mica.

“We shouldn't be here.” added Lizzie as I picked Judith up and grabbed her bottle from Lizzie.

Suddenly,we heard rustling in the leaves, causing the three of us to quickly get up and move along. Not taking the chances of it being walkers or humans. We didn't even stop until morning light.

Judith kept fuzzy, and I helped Tyreese change her diaper. Only for another rustling in the bushes to hear.”Walkers!.” Cried Mica accidentally opened Tyreese's wound on his arm again.

Tyreese yelled at her for it as he then went to check the bush. But it was only a couple of birds. Though it was enough to send Mica running.

“Mica!” I called out to her and raced after her with Tyreese and Lizzie. We found her hiding behind a tree.

“I got scared. Mica said, feeling ashamed as I wrapped her in my arms while Tyreese  reassured she did the right thing. Though we were distracted by a woman screaming in the distance.

Tyreese had put us in a small triangle with Lizzy holding Judith. “Why can't I come? I can help them if they're hurt. “ I exclaimed.

“You have to stay here with them. You're a lot stronger than them. You don't move until I come back. You hear me?” Tyreese ordered.

“What do you do when you see a walker?” he asked us.

“Run. “ We all repeated before we watched the man leave to go help the woman.

We all stayed together like Tyreese said,each of us holding one of the other’s hands. “Lucy, I'm scared. “ whined, Mica.

“I won't let anything–” I started but was interrupted by two walkers coming towards us. Mica began to panic a bit while Lizzie tried to stop Judith from crying.

“We have to run.” Mica yelled. But I quickly broke loose from the group and grabbed my hammer, and smashed one of the walkers in the head, killing it instantly. Though the other walker went to grab me, I back away accidently tripping over the other walker.

“Mica! Shoot your gun! Shoot your gun!” I yelled at her as the walker landed on top of me. I struggled against the walker, only for a bullet to swoosh past me,but it missed its head and hit the shoulder.

“Again!This time aim for the head!” I yelled as I dug my nails into the walker's arms to try and defend myself against it.

Suddenly, another bullet went through, but this time, it was at the back of the walker's head, and I grunted as it fell on me, pushing it off me. “Carol!” Screamed the girls as they ran over and hugged her.

Carol then helped me up. “Where's everyone else?” She asked.

“Tyreese went to go help someone. “ I exclaimed as we rushed over to where we heard the woman screaming, only to find Tyreese fighting with walkers.

“Tyreese.” called out Carol, causing the man to turn around.

“Stay on the tracks. “ called out the man who Tyreese saved. But he was bitten.

“But the woods have more cover.” claimed Carol. But we all listened to the man explain about a possible safe haven.Afterward,we followed the guy's direction and followed the railroad tracks.

I stayed up ahead while listening to Carol's and Tyreese's conversation. I couldn't help but think of Thomas and Callie.

“Did you see Tom or Callie?” I asked Carol. But Carol only gave me a sad look and shook her head.

“I shouldn't have left the bus. I went to get Judith and the girls. “ I explained.

“You did the right thing.”  reassured Carol and Tyreese as we all continued to follow the tracks.


『Bri’s POV

After the explosion, I got stuck in the main cell block, and I quickly checked the cells for anything useful. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, and I hid in one of the cells. As it got closer, I swung my gun at the person, only for it to be Glenn.

“Glenn!?” I questioned, sounding almost too relieved.

“Bri!? Is anyone else with you? Maggie and Beth?” He asked. I only shook my head.

“No, I've been stuck in here since the explosion.”  I explained.

“We gotta go. Grab what you can  “ he said, and I nodded, looking in the cells for anything useful before meeting him by the exit. Both of us in our swat team armor.

“Ready?” Glenn asked.

“No. “ I replied, but we both raced out the door and ran into the horde. Pushing our way through. However, on our way out, we saw a woman. Sitting in one of the entryways to the tower. Just staring there, quietly.

“We gotta help her. We can't just leave her there. “ I told Glenn. At first,Glenn didn't like it, but eventually, we got into it. She didn't even fight. She just let us come in.

I watched as Glenn took her gun. Only to find it full.

“It's full. Did you even fire a shot?” Glenn asked, but the woman shook her head.

“Let's go then. Let's go. “ he claimed.

“I was a part of this. “ said the woman.

“I know. “

“Then what are you doing?”

“We need your help. “ I told her.

“We need to find Maggie and Beth.” claimed Glenn.

“Who are they?” Tara asked.

“His wife and my girlfriend. “ I explained to her.

It wasn't long before the three of us were distracted by a small group of walkers emerging from the woods. We quickly walked over to take them out, easily putting them down. Though Glenn passed out in the middle of it.

I kneeled down and tried to shake Glenn awake. “Glenn!? Glenn!? Don't die on me now.!” I yelled at him.

“A little help!” yelled Tara struggling with a walker and I grabbed Glenn's gun, pushed her out of the way and smashed the walker's head,not even noticing an army vehicle approaching until Tara tapped my shoulder and pointed at it.

“Hope you enjoy the show, assholes!” We yelled at them.

Suddenly, three people came out; two men, one with ginger hair and the other scrawny and then a woman.

“You got a big mouth, you know that? “ questioned the ginger.

“What else you got?”

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