Chapter 35

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『Callie's POV』

"I'll never let anyone lay a hand on you again. Ever. I promise. " Thomas claimed," I could just tell by his voice he meant, and I'll hold it against him until the day we die, which will probably be in a few hours. "

"I love you. You know that, right? " Thomas added. For a moment, there was silence. I only nodded at him. It wasn't the first time he had said it, but I haven't said it back. Only because I was too afraid to say it and then lose him. But he knows I didn't have to say it.

"We gotta get out of here and find Lou. She's spent all night alone."  I told him, worried about her. Sometimes, I hate it when Thomas teases me about worrying about Lucy. But she was just a child in a dangerous world.

"Yeah. Yeah. " Thomas claimed as we both slowly got up. He snapped the legs on a chair and gave one to me.

We waited by the wall when we heard the door opening. Merle had come back, but we didn't take any chances. Thomas charged for Merle, knocking him on the floor while I managed to easily kill the other man in the room.

I quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it at Merle. "LET HIM GO! " I yelled, my voice booming in the room.  Merle pretended to put his hands in the air in surrender though more of his friends came. One of them pointed a gun at me while Merle grabbed Thomas and held him by his blade, causing me to surrender.

We were then taken to a different room.  "Glad we can catch up."  chuckled Merle as we were forced to kneel down.

"I love you. " I told Thomas, eyes tearing. The adrenaline rushed through my veins. I felt Thomas grab my hands.

"It's gonna be alright. Just look at me the whole time. '' he said, his voice a bit calm. I looked at him, knowing it was going to be the last time before they covered our heads with bags.

We were then forced to our feet, and as we walked forward, suddenly smoke bombs erupted in the room, causing everyone else to drop.

"Come on. " I heard a familiar voice. Glenn!? I thought as Thomas and I were rushed out of the room. Our bags were finally taken off, and to our surprise, it was Rick,Maggie, Glenn, and Daryl and two more people, but we didn't know them.

We found cover in a different building, Thomas quickly collapsed, but I held his hand. "Rick, how did you find us!? " I asked.

"'Your friend Lucy sent us. " explained Rick.

"She's alive! Is she here!? "Both Thomas and I quickly questioned him.

"No. She's back at the prison. Safe. " replied Rick.

"Where's that woman? " I asked after not seeing the dark skinned woman.

"Maybe she got spotted. Want me to go look for her? " asked the other man.

"No. We gotta get them out of here. She's on her own. " said Rick.

"Daryl. " said Thomas, breathing heavily as I helped him put on a shirt I found. "It was Merle.  Saw him face to face. " explained Thomas. His mouth was full of dried blood. "'Threw a walker at me. He was going to execute us. " he finished.

"My brother's with the Governor? " asked Medle.

"No, he's somebody else. His luentant or something. " I explained to him.

"Rick, we're sorry. We told him where the prison was. We couldn't hold out. " Thomas apologies.

"No. There is no need to apologize. " said Rick, patted his knee as he took a look outside.

"They're going to be looking for us. " I said.

"We got a car, about half a mile or so down the highway. Can you walk? Rick asked Thomas, who just nodded his head.

Both Rick and I helped him up as Rick tried to get Daryl to reason with him that not talking to Merle was not an option right now.

It wasn't long until we escaped Woodbury. We lost the bigger guy named Oscar. However, Daryl wasn't with us. Both Maggie and I went with Rick to get him back while Glenn watched over Thomas and the woman, Michonne.

When we got there, we hid behind a dumpster, watching as Merle and Daryl fought for the death. Rick threw another smoke bomb while Maggie and I fired our guns, covering Rick.

Soon, we all escaped. "They're all at the arena. This way. " said Merle as he tried to lead us out.

"'You're not going anywhere with us," said Rick.

"You really wanna do this now? " questioned Merle as he made an exit with the rest of us following him.

"Little help would be nice," he shouted as he killed a walker.

The rest of us helped with the others. I looked at Rick, pleading to him not to let him come with us. But Rick only gave me a nod to follow.

It wasn't until near dawn when we got back to Glenn,Thomas, & Michonne. Rick had called out to them, and the three of them quickly rushed over.

"Now we've got ourselves a problem here." Aaid Rick, but to no avail, Thomas and Michomne drew their weapons. Both Maggie and I reach out to them angrily.

"He tried to kill me! " claimed Michonne.

"If it wasn't for him, Callie could have–"started Thomas.

There was an argument around every corner. I couldn't even try to listen or have a conversation with anyone until Merle revealed that Andrea is alive and was actually in Woodbury as well.

"Wait, Andrea's in Woodbury? " Thomas asked.

"Right next to the governor.  " claimed Merle as he explained how Michonne and Andrea ended up in Woodbury and making sexendos. It wasn't until Rick hit him on the head, causing Merle to fall down.


"Asshole. " said Rick.

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