Chapter 7

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"A walker got him! A walker bit Jim!" exclaimed Jacqui as everyone came rushing over.

"Show it to us." Daryl demanded as he and T-Dog fought to lift Jim's shirt as he claimed to be okay.

A few minutes passed, and all the adults were in a group circle, trying to figure out what to do about Jim.

"Should just put a pickaxe  in his head and the dead girl too. Be done with it." Daryl claimed, causing me to roll my eyes a bit. But I knew deep down Daryl was right. We can't risk the children's safety.

"Is that what you'd want for you?" Shane asked,clearly irritated by Daryl's advice to kill our own.

"Yeah, I'd thank you while you did it. "

God!What an asshole.

"I hate to say it. But I think Daryl's right." spoked Dale.

"We can't risk the children's safety. " I piped in. Although I think they were right, I felt I was the only one thinking about the children. Amy would soon come back as one of the geeks, and with Jim bitten, it will only be a matter of 24 hrs before he does, too.

"We're not shooting him like he's a rabid dog," said Rick. What was Rick's deal with saving everyone? You can't save everyone, Rick.

"We made it very clear when the camp was founded. There is no tolerance for walkers or soon to be." claimed Daryl.

" What if we got him help?"

Help? There's no help out here. But us.

"I heard the CDC was working on creating a cure." Rick continued on.

" I heard that too, but that was before the world went to hell. " claimed Shane.

"What if the CDC is still running?"

"Then that's a bit of a stretched, too. " said Shane as he and Rick discussed the pros and cons.

"It would be at Fort Benning." Said Shane.

" Which is 100 miles in the opposite direction. " said Lori.

I listened as they all tried to make sense of the situation. Although I knew there could be hope, my mind was also on Jim and the safety of the children.

Suddenly, Daryl turned towards Jim and started to raise his pickaxe to kill him. Both Rick and I rushed over quickly to stop him. I stood in front of Jim protectively lifting my bat towards Daryl, having a small glaring contest with him until we both heard the click of a gun.

"We don't kill the living. "' Rick claimed as Shane came over to move me away.

" Funny thing is how you just put a gun at my head. " said Daryl.

" You may disagree with us on a few things. But not this. Put it down. " said Shane as I walked away and stood next to Glenn and my mom. Letting Shane and Rick handle the situation.

It wasn't long until the group decided to take the risk to CDC to try and find Jim more time. Everyone started to prepare to hit the road. I watched as my mother went to the back of Dale's RV, where Daryl was hacking away to make sure the rest of our people wouldn't come back. I knew he was among them.

I turned and kneeled down in front of Sophia. " Stay here with Glenn, Little Bug. I'm going to check on mom." I told her with a small soft smile. She only nodded, not wanting to argue much. I knew last night's events scared her.

" You'd be able to watch her? " I asked Glenn.

"Yeah. Go look after your mom. " Glenn replied. I made my way over to Daryl and my mother. I watched as she had stopped Daryl from pickaxing him. Wanting to do it herself. But I knew she wouldn't be able to do it.

She was about to swing the pickaxe down, but I stopped her as it was in mid-air. She looked at me with sorrowful eyes. I knew deep down that even if he was a monster, she still loved him.

"Go. Go on. Go look after Sophia. She needs you. " I told her softly after convincing her to be with Sophia.

After she left, I gave the pickaxe back to Daryl as it was too heavy for me to lift and swung. Feeling his eyes on me as I gave it back to him. So, instead,I used the bat he had given me.






10 years of anger,gone…

Author's Note:

How are y'all liking the story so far? Don't be afraid to let me know in the comments. Also, let me know if I need to make improvements anywhere or if I'm missing any information.
I can't wait to start on Daryl's and Callie's father-daughter relationship. He becomes so damn protective of her.

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