Author's Note

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Hello everyone, I just wanted to come here to explain a few things.

So, first off, there will be another time skip in the story. I know that the prison era was for only about six months but I'm going to be making it a year, just because I feel like it's such a short time period and if you all agree with me, it's one of the best eras in the show. However, I'll still be going by the season.

Another thing is Andrea will be killed off just like the show, but I'm excited to say that I'm going to be doing a small bit of an AU and keeping Merle alive in this one.

I felt like he was such a great character, and it was such a shame they killed him off so quickly when he was just starting to redeem himself. I'm not sure how long he will stay (though I have an idea), but if you guys have any ideas, let me know.  So please let me know in the comments if you think Merle should stay past season 4.

Another side note thank you for almost 2k reads. I absolutely appreciate it so much, but I would really appreciate it if we could possibly get to 3k by the end of December?I love you guys! 

Also, don't forget to vote and comment what you think. Whether or not it's grammar errors, character developments, or anything in general. I just love interacting with my readers!

Hope ya'll continue to like my story and have a fantastic day/ night wherever you guys are.

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