Chapter 47

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『Lucy’S POV』

Hershel! It's Doctor S. He doesn't look too good.” I called out to Hershel after making another round of passing Hershel's tea to the sick. I went and checked on Dr S. but unfortunately, he had gotten the sickness.

I stood by his cell as Hershel came through, stepping forward to check on the doc himself. But Dr.S only pushed him away.

“Doctors make the worse patients.” claimed Hershel as he kneeled down in front of him.

“Not everyone gets to live.” responded the man, only for me to frown at his statement.”End stage,a picture where nobody really comes back from or they - or they can't.” the man added.

“That's where I am.” he claimed as Hershel went to check his forehead.

“No, you need to focus on the ones that can make it.” He said. “ I made some more IVs, Lucy can start giving them to those who need it.” he added as he continued ranting.

“We can hold on.” said Hershel.

Dr. S soon revealed some weapons under his bed, being prepared for another breach.

“I'm not giving up on anyone. Not yet! “ said hershel.

“Just make sure everyone's cells are shut. “ claimed Caleb before he turned to look at me. “ You're going to make a fine doctor one day. I'd have been proud to teach you.”

“You can't give up! You can't! You have to make it! You have to make it so you can teach me!“ I yelled at him,holding back tears.

“You have Hershel to teach you now. You'll be fine.” sniffled Caleb. I only ran over to him to give him one last hug, but not before I left his cell.

I couldn't help but run over to Glenn’s cell,tears flowing down and quickly wrapping my arms around him. Burying my face in his chest. I must have taken him by surprise because he looked down at me. Though I could feel him brush his fingers through my hair.

“What's wrong, Lou? “  he asked.

“It’s Doctor S. He’s not going to make it.” I said through sniffles.

“Of course he will. Everyone else will, too. Because we have you looking after us. “ claimed Glenn only for me to solemnly nod my head as I wiped my slightly wet nose before we went back to attending Henry.

I watched as Glenn then stopped squeezing the bag, only to place his ear on his chest.”I think he stopped breathing.” Whispered Glenn only for me to gently shove him aside and listen to myself.

I then started to do CPR on Henry. “GO GET HERSHEL!” I yelled at Glenn, who only got up but not before he fell down,coughing up blood himself

“GLENN!” I shouted as I rushed over to help him.

“What's going on?” Lizzy asked.

“Go get Hershel. “ I told her but our attention turned to Henry as he was beginning to turn.I quickly got up, standing in front of Lizzy as we called out for Hershel only to hear a gunshot in the lower deck.


『Callie's POV』

The sound of a gunshot echoing caused me to bolt awake. I looked down to my left to see Mika fallen asleep and peacefully resting her head on my lap. I was surprise the gunshot didn't wake her up.

I looked to my other side only to discover that Lucy was not there. Panic began to build up in my body as I shook Mika awake. “Mika! Where's Lou?” I asked her.

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