Chapter 53

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Glenn and I took the lead after finding Maggie's note about Terminus. I knew one thing, if Maggie was there, so was Beth.

Both Glenn and I ran up to the wall of a tunnel up ahead after spotting another note. I looked for Beth's name, but it was there. But that didn't mean they ran out of spray paint.

“We're gaining up on them.” Glenn called out to the others. We stopped to figure out which way was the best to do.

“If Maggie went through. We're going through. “ Glenn and I called out to Abraham after he suggested going around. But that would take another day or two, and who knows if we would lose track of them.

“Shut up for a second.” claimed Abraham as we all stopped and listened. We could all hear the low growling sounds of walkers. But that wouldn't stop us.

“That's a long dark tunnel full of reanimated corpses, and I don't have full confidence that I can get Eugene through there alive.” stated the man.

He was starting to get on my nerves. I looked over at Glenn, hoping he felt the same way. We had to get to Maggie and Beth quickly. Luckily for us, Abraham realized that we weren't gonna go with them for the detour. Though it meant parting ways.

“You're on your own.” Claimed Abraham as he kneeled down and digged through his backpack.

“No you're not.” stated Tara, stepping forward. We both nodded at each other before I watched Abraham take out three canned foods.

“No. You guys need those for your trip.” Glenn and I told him.

“So do you,” said Abraham.

After a tearful goodbye to the group, the three of us went our separate ways. I listened as Glenn and Tara talked, limpinh next to Glenn while holding the flashlight.

We continued into the tunnel only to find it had collapsed halfway through. Nethertheless, the three of us pushed forward with Glenn and I checking to make sure that any female walker wasn't either Maggie or Beth.

Once we got to the top of the debris, a horde was on the other side.  There's no way we’re getting through that, Glenn. I thought to myself as I looked up at him.

It wasn't until Glenn discovered that neither of the walkers there were Maggie or Beth. A small sigh of relief washed over me. But Glenn then made the announcement that we were gonna have to kill each and everyone.

Are you crazy? We don't have the manpower. I scolded him in my head.

But if Glenn was determined to go through. So was I. The three of us made the game plan. But just as we were about to make our way down, I tripped and got my foot stuck, causing me to yelp quietly in pain. Both Tara and Glenn turned around to help, but the rock was too heavy and stuck in a corner.

After a while of struggling, I couldn't let them stay long enough to get killed for me. “Go. Go find Maggie and Bethy.” I told Glenn quietly.

“What no. “ claimed Glenn. But I obviously wasn't going anywhere.

“Go find Maggie and Bethy.” I told him as I dug through my pocket, taking out the ring and placing it in his hand.

“Make sure this gets to her.” I told him.

“You're gonna give it to her yourself.” said Glenn and Tara in uninsion, and the next thing I knew, he and Tara started to shoot at the walkers until they ran out.

We didn't notice until a couple of lights came through the tunnel, and we heard a familiar voice.

“Get down!” it yelled.

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