Chapter 19

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『Carol's POV』
I was hanging everybody's laundry on the lines we've set up at camp. Lori had slept in, and I didn't want to bother her.

It looked like she needed it.

" I can't believe I slept in. " Lori claimed as she started helping me hang clothes.

"You must have needed it. You alright? " I asked.

But she shrugged off the question. "Next time, wake me up. Especially on your laundry day. " she claimed.

"I think I can manage. " I told her. There was a small moment of silence before I finally broke it.

"I had an idea I wanted to run by you. " I told her.

"What's that? " she asked.

"Well, with Callie's birthday tomorrow and that big kitchen of theirs. I was kinda thinking maybe we could cook dinner for them. You know to say thank you and it could be a birthday dinner for Callie. " I said.

"After everything they've done for us. I don't see why not. I'll talk with Thomas and Maggie. " she said.

"Thanks. I'm just trying to get minds off things and hopefully for Callie, too. " I said.

"She misses her sister. I wouldn't blame her. "
『Callie's POV』
Rick had everybody gathered around my mother's Cherokee, and he and Daryl explained the plan.

"I can take a horse check down here. If that’s okay with you. “ Daryl talked to Thomas.

"Borrow what you need. " said Thomas.

"Is this okay with Hershel? " Rick asked.

" If I'm going to be running this farm one day, I gotta start making decisions without my dad. Thomas claimed in which Rick nodded in respect.

Jimmy tried to take the rifle, but I took it from him. "Do you even know how to use one? " I asked him, having the rifle, to Rick.

Well, if I'm going to be out there. I want one. " he claimed.

"If he's serious, I'm an official training instructor. We're going to have a little training section later. Why don't you come with me? " Offered Shane.

"I think that's a good idea. " said Rick.

Soon enough, we all went our separate ways. Daryl met up with us at the barn as we saddled up the horses. I held our colored flags, and ours was orange.

“ Be careful out there. “ Daryl called out to me.

“ You too, “ I told him as Thomas and I watched as he rode Nelly off.

Thomas and I soon made our way into our grid, which was near the swimming hole.

[Thomas’ POV]

“So what exactly are we looking for ? “ I asked as I led Callie towards the swimming hole. It was a little ways from the house but not by a mile.

“ Any sign of life. Tracks. Oh, and either a doll or Mr. Kittens. “ explained Callie.

“ Mr,Kittens? “ I questioned.

“ It was a birthday gift I got her. She hasn’t let go of it since. But maybe she dropped it while she was running away. “ explained Callie, and I nodded my head.

It wasn’t long before we reached the swimming hole. Fortunately to us, it was left untouched, and I had come every day to make sure that it stayed that way. Even as it is going as building a fence around the pond.

“WOW. “ breathed Callie,

“ Nice isn’t it? Maybe we can come back for a swim later? “ I asked.

“ Like a date?” Callie questioned.

“ Well-uh- I mean-” I started.

“Relax, swimming sounds great. " said Callie.

"Sounds good. "

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