Chapter 37

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『Thomas's POV』

"He had guns to their heads, do you really want him sleeping in the same cell block as Carol and Beth? " Glenn asked Rick and Daryl as we discussed what to do with Merle.

"My brother ain't no rapist." claimed Daryl. I believed him, but I couldn't take my chances.

"Yeah, well his buddy is." I told him, only to get a look from not only Callie but Glenn and Maggie.

"They're not friends anymore. Not after last night. " Daryl claimed, at this moment he irritated me. Even after what Merle put Callie and I through, Daryl still sided with Merle.

"There's no way,Merle's gonna live there without putting everyone at each other's throats." claimed Rick.

Thank you! The only person who seems to still have reason. I thought to myself.

"So you're gonna cut Merle loose and let Samurai come back? " Daryl asked, getting upset.

"She's not coming back. " said Rick.

"She's not in the state to be on her own. " said Maggie.

"She did lead us to Callie and Thomas. '' claimed Glenn.

"Then ditched us. Rick states as we continue to discuss Merle.

"Merle, Merle's blood. " claimed Daryl.

"No. Merle's your blood. My blood‐my family is standing right here. Waiting for us back at the Prison. " I told Daryl.

"And you're part of that family." Rick told Daryl." He's not. He's not, " he added.

The conversation ended with Daryl deciding to go with Merle. Thomas felt a tad guilty, he didn't mean for Daryl wanting to leave. But he also didn't want Merle near his family. He wanted to keep them safe.

"You're just gonna leave. Just like that? What do you want us to tell Carol? " Glenn asked.

"She will understand. " said Daryl. There was no more to argue as Daryl made his decision though Rick continued to try to convince Daryl not to leave. But Daryl was persistent and we all watched him leave with Merle.


The ride home was silent as we stopped to check out a truck that was stuck in the mud. I opened the driver's side door only for a walker to lunge at me. However I pulled it down and stomped on its head repeatedly, letting my anger out completely on it.

I had to catch my breath, holding my side as I looked up at Rick, wanting answers. "You didn't kill him? " I asked.

"That's not why we went back. " started Rick.

"No, you went back for Daryl. " I said. "And now he's gone again and the Governor's still alive! '

"Daryl was the first priority." Stated Rick.

"I should have gone with you!. " I said angrily.

"You were in no condition. " replied Rick. 

"But my girlfriend was!? " I yelled.

"Tommy, this isn't about us. " stated Callie. But I ignored her.

"I should have been there! " I continued to yell at Rick,letting out my anger.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. You didn't come back with us because you could barely walk. " Rick tried to reason.

"What about her!? " I yelled at him, causing Callie to yell back at me but I just kept ignoring her.

"Do you know what he did to her!? " I yelled at Rick, causing everyone's  eyes to land on Callie.

The argument ended up short as I finally decided enough was enough and got back into the truck while the others tried to push it out of the mud.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to get the red truck out of the mud and were stuck with the vehicle the group had used to get to Woodbury. I looked over at Callie but she didn't even take a glance back. All I could do was allow Maggie to lean against me.

Carl and Lucy had met us by the gate. Both Callie and I quickly got out of the car and scooped Lucy into our arms.

"Hey peepsqueak. " I told her with a huge smile as I flicked her nose, only to smile more when she giggled.

My attention soon turned to everyone else who greeted us outside of the Prison. Carol came running and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Callie reuniting with her mother. I then felt a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me. Nearly causing me to stumble backwards

Looking down, I smiled widely at Beth who looked back up with big teary eyes. I just ruffled her hair. My father caught my eye as he walked forward. Though to my surprise, he only had one leg and was using crutches to get around.

"Got bit. Rick had to cut it off." My father explained as I looked at him with a somewhat horrified look.

"Thank you. " I turned to Rick." For looking after them. " I added, it almost made me feel guilty for blowing up on him earlier. But part of me felt like I shouldn't feel sorry.


"You got worked over pretty good. Nose will take a few weeks to heal. " claimed my father as he cleaned up my face. It kinda reminded me of how he cleaned it up the first time after my first fight.

"'Curtsey of Daryl's brother. " I said, still angry that Daryl left with his brother.

We both looked over to hear Callie come over. But we didn't say one word. I couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Everything alright between you two? '' my father asked as he continued to finish wiping off my dried blood.

I didn't answer him, not sure how I even would. " I'm glad to have you back, my son. " my father answered before he got up and walked away.

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