Chapter 13

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[Third Person POV]

Rick, Shane, and Carl went ahead of the group. Carl had insisted on going with his father and his best friend Shane to look for Sophia.

He had promised his mother that he would stay with them and listen to whatever he was told.

Up ahead, a small noise caught their attention. Rick and Shane got in front of Carl to protect him, in case it was a walker.

But it was only a deer, a doe.

Carl let out a smile. He had never seen a deer so close up before. It was beautiful and magnificent. 

Rick had allowed his boy to go up and take a look at the deer. Believing it was not to be a threat to them.

For a moment, everything was peaceful. They weren't worried about Sophia or the end of the world. It was just them and the deer.

And then everything went fast.


Rick and Shane stood in horror as a bullet went through the deer and Carl. Watching as Carl falls to the ground.

A man popped out of the woods. A big smile on his face as he looked at his trophy before he realized what he had done.

"Oh no! " the man claimed as Shane angrily walked towards him. While Rick hysterically picks up Carl and races to where the man claims there's a farm with Shane and him right behind him.

Meanwhile, the others heard the gunshot, causing everyone to stop in their tracks.

" Was that a gunshot?" Andrea asked.

" Could be anything. " said Daryl.

"Could be my dead sister."replied Callie, who had been silent the whole trip. Everyone looked at her, but all she could do was look down.

"I'm sure they're fine. " Lori claimed.

"We just keep going. " said Daryl, leading the group as they continued on with their plan.

[Thomas's POV]

" I was thinking we could expand the farm by adding another barn behind the house away from the other barn, and we can add another coral. " I told my dad as we looked down at the blueprints of the farm.

The farm had been in our family for over 160 years, but it's been a little over a year since I've expressed to my father how I wanted to start taking over the farm.

Now, I was showing how serious I was, especially with the new virus that had been spreading. I wanted to keep the sick away from the animals.

"Why do we need another coral? " asked Jim, Beth's boyfriend.

"The other one is pretty much falling apart, and besides, Queenie will give birth soon, and we would need to expand the barn and corral. Especially with winter coming up. " I explained to him.

"Well said, son. But will it be up by the beginning of—" started my father, but suddenly Maggie's voice rang out.


It sounded urgent. We all rushed out to see a man in a sheriff uniform carrying a wounded boy.

"Was he bit? " my father calmly asked.

"Shot! He was shot! Otis said to find Hershel. Are you Hershel? " the man asked hysterically.

"I'm Hershel. " my father replied as we all quickly rushed back inside to help the boy.

Patricia, Maggie, and Bethy all helped by removing the bedsheets in my father's room as the man laid his boy down.

"Thomas, get my gear. Patricia, help me with the IVU'S, Maggie and Beth, get all the towels we have.

I quickly did what I was told, grabbing all of my father's medical supplies from when he was a vet.

" I got a heartbeat! " Father told the sheriff.

"What's your name? " I asked.

"Rick. Rick Grimes. " answered the man.

"You know his blood type? "

"A positive. Same as mine. " Rick answered.

"Are you willing to donate? "

"Take it all. "

"'Patricia! " called my father, and Patricia came running in, starting to help my father with the IVS.

"Put pressure on it, boy!" My father ordered, and I quickly grab the pillow and put it on the boy's chest. He was so young.

"The bullet went through in six different pieces. It's a good thing it hit the deer first. It's the reason your boy is still alive. " my father explained as Rick and I switch positions.

Otis and another man came in. My anger just bubbled up inside me, and I slammed Otis against the wall. "Damn it, Otis! How many times do I have to tell you to be careful!? We don't know what's out there!. " I yelled at him. His face is white as a ghost.

"I-I'm s-ssorry. T-Tom. I didn't know. I-I didn't see him until the boy hit the ground. " Otis stammered.

"Tom, let him go, son. I need someone to get a respiratory machine. " My father called out to me.

"Do you have a map? I'll go get it. " said the other man.

" You don't need one. I'll go. " I told him. I knew exactly in the school where it was. I've known it like the back of my head.

"No!" Shouted Bethy, wrapping her arms around me. I sighed some and then looked at my father.

" Otis will go with him. "

"Tom!No!" Cried Patricia. 

" It's okay, honey. I was an EMT. I know exactly what we're—

"My wife. My wife doesn't know. " claimed Rick caused everyone to look at him.

" Maggie, go into the woods and find his wife. " stated my father.

"What's her name? " I asked him.

" Lori. Lori Grimes. " answered Rick.

"I'll go with Maggie. " I told him.

" I can look for her myself. " claimed Maggie.

" No. Take your brother with you. " My father replied before Maggie could argue even further.

I started to follow her out the door after she had grabbed a baseball bat. Though I turned to look at Otis, I was still upset with him for shooting the boy.

"If that boy dies. It's on you, Otis. " I told him coldly before I followed Maggie out the door.

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