Chapter 46

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『Thomas’ POV』

“You found them like this?” Rick asked as he,Daryl, Carol, Tyresse, and I stood over Karen and David's dead burnt bodies. Anger burned in the man's eyes.

“I came to see Karen, and I saw the blood on the floor.” Tyreese started to explain.  “Then I smelled them. “ he added.

“Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire!” He yelled. “They killed them and set them on fire!” He yelled once more before he went towards Rick.

Both Daryl and I got prepared to throw our hands at him.”You're a cop. You find out who did this to them, and you bring ‘em to me, you understand?”

“We'll find out who.” I promised him as I reached for his arm only for him to shove me away. The rest of us listened as he continued his rant. Once more, I tried to get his attention off Rick only for Tyreese to lift me up by my shirt.

The others went forward, but I stopped them before they could do anything. “We’re on the same side, man. “ I told Tyreese.A small fight between Rick and Tyreese occurred before Daryl and I managed to pry them away from each other.

Afterward, I made my way back up to the tower. Luckily, Callie was there on watch duty. I sat down on our mattress and leaned my head up against the stone cold wall. Callie soon joined me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked,I hated it when she could sense something was wrong. It was like a six sense of something.

“Someone murdered Karen and David.” I explained.

“Really? Who?” Callie asked, something seemed off about her voice. But I didn't question her. I never do.

“Not sure. Rick’s going to find out, though.” I replied as I intertwined our hands. It's the closest I could ever get to her, but that was alright with me.

“Does Tyresse know?” asked Callie. I only nodded, followed by a hum.

“He was the one to find their bodies. He’s out in the fields, burning them.” I explained.

There was a moment of silence. Except for maybe a bird that flew by. I couldn't help but let out an anxious sigh.

“I want you to go into quarantine with Lucy and the others.” I told her.

“What!?” she questioned. I knew she didn't like it. But I wanted her to be safe.

“With sickness and a murder going around. I can't risk anything or anyone.” I explained to her. “Besides, the youngest kids look up to you the most.” I added.

“You’re not going to make my mother go or Maggie, are you?” she asked,I knew she wanted to spark an argument, but I was in no mode.

“Please don't argue with me on this one. “ I practically beg. “I just want to keep you safe. “ I told her.

Not long until we got up to find Lucy, and Carl was helping gather most of the kids and their mothers into the quarantine room

“But I wanna help, Dr. S.” claimed Lucy.

“i’m sorry, Lou. We can't afford anyone else to get sick. “ I told her.

“Carl’s not going in there. Why can't I stand guard, too?” she whined.

“Lou please.You're younger than Carl, and besides, Lizzy and Mika are there to keep you company. I’ll bring you guys some comic books to read later. “ I told her only to get a small huff out of her.

It wasn't long before I said my goodbyes, Ruffling Carl's hair, before I went to join Daryl on the expedition to get the medicine.

We both went to the other quarantine cells to find Tyreese. Who was determined to stand guard. Both Daryl and I told him we wanted justice for Karen and David, too. But he still wasn't budging.

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