Chapter 34

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️— This chapter will contain graphic scenes such as violence and sexual assault. Do not continue to read and skip ahead  if this makes you uncomfortable. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

『Thomas' POV』

Millions of scenarios were playing on repeat through my head of what Callie could be going through in the room next to me after Merle had separated us into different rooms. The sound of him scraping his blade on the table in front of me was the only thing that got my attention. But I showed no fear for him.

"You know why you're here? Don't ya? " Merle asked, though I didn't even answer him, not even looking him in the eyes. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of trying to get under my skin.

"I wasn't any harm to you. I lowered my gun. But yet, you raised yours." He said I could hear the anger in his voice. " You're an asshole. Just like them, leaving me up there on that roof in Atlanta. " Merle continued. "Nobody would leave an animal like that to suffer. Betcha wouldn't leave your dog up there. Would ya boy? "

"I wasn't a part of the group then. I don't know you. " I replied. "But by what the others had said, you deserved what you had coming at you. " I told him.

Merle didn't say anything, but I knew I must have gotten under his skin. "How about this? How about you tell me where my baby brother is, and I might just let this go, " he claimed.

"We never said he was alive." I replied.

"Well, if you can't tell me where he is. Maybe good ole' Red might be able to help me out." Merle said, a wicked smile crept on his face.

I scrunched up my nose and clenched my fist in anger as I glared at him. "If you lay one finger on her. " I said, only to retrieve a small chuckle as he whispered into my ear things about Callie.

My anger didn't hold for long as I hit Merle in the face with my head, causing the larger man to stumble backward and yell in pain. Blood spilled a little bit over his nose. I gave him a death glare as he returned one back.

For the next few minutes, all I could feel was pain and my face throbbing as Merle beat the living hell out of me with his one good hand. But I knew it was totally worth it.


An hour went by after Merle left me with a bloody, bruised, and broken face. I could feel it had already begun to throb and the fact that my nose was broken. But it didn't matter to me, I just wanted Callie to be alright.

I turned towards the door when I heard it opening and Merle coming back. But he wasn't alone. This time, he brought a walker with him, leading it on a catch pole.

"I want you to imagine what it feels like to be left up there on the rooftop. Chained, losing blood. Walkers chomping at me at every chance. " called out Merle.

I looked away from the walker that was snarling and chomping its teeth at me. "Last chance, where's my baby brother!? " demanded Merle. But I didn't answer him.

"Suit yourself. You know what they say, he's going to be hungry in an hour. " said Merle as he let go of the walker but not after he made sure he left the room first.

Next thing I knew, the walker lunged forward at me, teeth snapping. But I kicked it away while falling on the chair in the process.

I used whatever I could to protect myself against the creature until I was able to free myself from the chair by smashing it against the stone wall. The walker bit my arm, but luckily for me, Merle has both my arms wrapped in duct tape pretty well.

When I managed to kill the walker with one of the broken legs from the chair, I let out an angry yell.

Another hour went by as I stared at the walker that I had to kill. My face was still a bit swollen, but the swelling was a tiny bit better. However, I could still feel the sting, and I knew Merle had broken my nose as well.

My attention, however, turned to the door when it opened again. I got up prepared to fight another walker if Merle decided to have a round two. Two more men appeared beside Merle. My eyes then meet Callie's.

It was the first time I've seen Callie with true fear in her eyes. Her shirt and bra were both missing as she covered herself. Anger burned my eyes as I lunged forward at the man holding Callie by her arm. My worst fear had come true, or at least I thought it did.

However,I stopped when I heard a gun clicking. "Nah ah, farmer boy. " said Merle. I knew he was smirking.

"You're going to tell us where your camp is now. " said the man.

"We don't have a camp. " I replied bitterly. My eyes never left Callie's.

"Alright then. " said the man and, as if on cue, drew his gun on me, his finger in the trigger ready to pull. I just stare him straight in the eye.

" IT'S A PRISON," shouted Callie. " IT'S A PRISON!  We don't know how many there are. There were about a dozen of us, maybe more or less now. But we only saw Rick. It's the truth! It's the truth! " claimed Callie, panic and fear in her voice.

I watched as the man caressed her face, his fingers woven in her pretty red hair, but she pulled away from him. My fists clenched as I watched him push Callie towards me before the three of them left the room, closing the door behind them.

I tightly wrapped my arms around her, feeling her do the same. I just let her sob into my shoulders as we both slid down to the floor.The only thing I could do was just hold her as I let her cry.

After a while, the room became silent. I had given her my shirt to cover herself up. Our fingers laced together as we both stared at the opposite wall.

Callie hadn't spoken one word, I knew she was frozen or at least shut down. But I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Cal? "  I asked, using the nickname I made up for her. Sometimes, it was one of the only ways I could get her attention.

"Yeah? " she finally answered, the first word either of us had said.

"Did he?– " I started, I couldn't even finish my sentence. But the scenario had been playing in my head on repeat, and at this point, I felt completely useless. Like I had failed her

"No. No, he didn't. I promise. " Callie answered as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

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