Chapter 20

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『Daryl's POV』

With Thomas' permission, I decided to take a horse to continue the search for Sophia and headed into the area I was task with searching.

Shooting squirrels as I go.

Then something in the riverbank caught my eye. I hopped off the horse and made my way down.  

When I got a closer look, I noticed that it was a stuffed kitten and instantly knew it belonged to Sopbia. Callie had given that stuffed animal to Sophia when she was younger in which Callie claims to give Sophia an unhealthy obsession with cats. 


When I got no response, I climbed back onto my horse and continued looking for Sophia. 

As I made way into the woods, a few crows flew past, stirring the horse a little bit. But we've pressed on. 

Unaware of a snake's present and before I knew it. I was bucked off and rolled down the ridge back into the water. 

"Son of a bitch. " I groaned as I looked to realize thatthat I had just shot myself with my own arrow.

It took me a few seconds before I could get up and continue after cutting off one of my sleeves and tying it around my waist to stop the bleeding and once I found my crossbow. 

I continued back to the farm, however I ran into a few walkers by surprise. I fought them back with every muscle I had. One almost overpowered me but I managed to kill it just before I fell and hit my head.

When I woke up, the world was spinning. I could see a man standing over me. It almost look like Merle but I couldn't tell, at least not until I heard his voice. 

"You gonna pull that arrow out dummy?" Merle's voice asked. "You can bind your wound better. "


All I got was a small chuckle for an answer. 

"What's going on here? You taking a siesta or something? " Merle asked.

"Shitty day,bro." I answered. 

"Like me to get you a pillow? Rub your feet? "

"Screw you. "

"You're the one screwed by the looks of it. "

replied Merle. "All them years, I spent trying to make a man out of you. This is what I get? Look at you. "

"Lying in the dirt like a used rubber. "

"You're gonna die out here little brother. "

"And for what? "

" A girl. " I answered. Thinking of what Callie's been going through. 

"They lost a little girl. " I continued. 

"What, you got a thing for girls now? "

"Shut up. "

"Cause I noticed you ain't looking for old Merle no more. " 

"Tried to find you, bro. "

"Like hell you did, you split man. Lit out the first chance you got. "

"You lit out. All you had to do was wait. " I told him as I continued to explain to him how Rick and I went back to him. But he just kept staring at me. 

I kept thinking if he wasn't going to help me up then he would have killed me by now. So why didn't he? 

"The same Rick that forced me to be cuff to the rooftop. The one that forced me to cut off my own? " Merle asked. 

I looked down at him, my vision still blurry but that was when I realized I saw his hand. The sane one that should have been cut off. 

That's when I realized I was hallucinating him. 

"That's who we're talking about here? "

"You his bitch now? " 

"I ain't nobody's bitch. " 

When I woke up, I realized a walker was trying bite at my foot causing me to kick in panic. I stabbed it in the shoulder  then punched it in the face with all my might before I finally killed it was a stick. 

I saw another coming towards me. So I ripped out the arrow in my side and used it to load my bow, shooting the walker. 

After a while of laying down and cutting the wars off the walkers I have just killed and putting then around my neck, I made my way back to the farm. 

Bloodied and bruised,I  made my way out of the woods;I saw Shane,T-Dog,Rick, & Glenn coming towards me. Rick had his gun pointed at me. I was sick and tired of him doing that and not even wasting a bullet. 

"That's the third time you pointed that thing at my head. " I said to him. "You gonna pull the trigger or what? " 

Next thing I knew, a gunshot echoed across the field and a bullet grazed my head. Knocking me off my feet. 

Rick started shouting at Andrea as he and Shane helped me to my feet. 

"I was just kidding. "

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