Chapter 40

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『Thomas’ POV』

A week had gone by since Andrea had come to the prison. A week living with Merle Dixon. One of the men I hated the most at the moment.

Luckily for us, we haven't had another attack from the Governor. But we knew he was planning on one. So for the last seven days, we've been preparing for as much as we could.

Callie had begun to be more active with the group, participating in either supply runs or fixing up the fence. Though most of her time was with either her mother, Lucy, and Judith. That was alright with me. It was all I ever wanted for her for the last few months. Was to be in a safe place, and I was going to make it within every fiber in my body to make sure the prison was a safe haven.

After Glenn and I had traded places with Bri and Maggie on watch duty, I made my way to the other tower to fortify it. Making sure that nothing could get in and if needed nothing could get out.

I was focusing on fixing up the gated entrance when I heard a familiar voice calling out to me. Turning around, I saw Daryl making his way over. They must have just gotten back from meeting up with the Governor.

“Have you seen Merle around?” Daryl asked, his accent thickening. I could only scoff at the name that came from his mouth as I continued to focus on the gate.

Daryl then helped me with. “Has he said he's sorry yet?” Daryl asked, though I never gave him an answer as we both locked it up.

“Cause he is. “ continued Daryl. I picked up my tools and set them on the bench, ignoring him to the best of my ability I could.

“He's gonna make it right. I'm gonna make him. There has to be a way. “ continued Daryl. “Just needs to be a little forgiveness, is all. “ he added.

There were a few moments of silence before I finally looked up at him. “He taped me to a chair, beat me, and threw a walker in the room. Perhaps I'll call it even. But I didn't do anything to him. But yet he still threw a walker in the room. “ I told him.

“But he–  “ I paused for a second. “He took Cal to a man who terrorized, humiliated her, and. “ I paused again. “That's not even the worst part. “ I added.

“What is? “ Daryl asked after there was a moment of silence.

“He took her to a man who reminded her of her father who–” I started but almost couldn't finish the sentence.

“Who molested her ever since she was 8 years old. I care more about her than I do myself. More than I care about my own sisters and my own pops." I told him as watchd for a reaction. Though Daryl was never one to have many reactions to anything.

"She's the one good thing worth living for. That's how much control she has over me. "

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