Chapter 38

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『Callie's POV』

"You have something that needs checking? " Hershel's voice boomed into the cell as I focused on cleaning the dry blood on my arm. 

At first, I didn't want to answer him and hoped he would just walk away, but instead, he sat down next to me on the bed.

"Is Tommy alright? " I asked him, finally looking up at him. I felt guilty for what happened. The governor's words still haunted me.

"Why don't you go see for yourself. " Hershel suggested. But I just went quiet once more.

"No offense, Hershel, but I'm not really in the talking mood. " I told him, all I wanted was for him to leave me alone, to just curl up in a ball, face the wall, and block the entire world out until days end.

"Then don't talk, just listen." Hershel started. " I wanted to thank you for all you have done to protect my boy. I owe you his life. " started the old man. "If anything had happened to him. I don't know what I would do. " he finished before he got up and went to leave.

Finally, peace and quiet. I thought bitterly to myself.

"Same thing goes for you too. You're like a daughter to me, Callie. If anything happened to you." He started with a small pause.

"If you die, I die." I told him just before he could hobble away. Hershel looked at me, a bit confused.

"Those were the first words Tom told me after the farm got overrun." I explained as Hershel rejoined me on the bed. "So from that day forward, I just kinda made a promise to myself. To stay alive so Tom can. "

"And you've kept your promise. " said Hershel, wrapping an arm around me. I only shook my head because I felt like I didn't.

"Why do I feel like the two of you are keeping something? " Hershel questioned. I could hear a coat of worry in his voice.

My hands started to shake, but I felt his hands on top of mine. "When the Governor held us captive– he uh– " I began as I felt tears pouring down my face.

"He told me to take off my shirt, or he would cut off Tommy's hand. " I said, feeling the water work. "But I didn't care what would have happened to me–" I told him, looking at him. "Cause all I thought about were you, Beth, and Maggie and how I knew if anything happened to him, it would be my fault. " I said.

"You did what you thought was right, and I'm sorry for what you have gone through. Nobody would have doubted it. You're a selfless person, Callie. Don't let this world take that away from you. As far as I'm concerned, you protected my son and saved him. I owe you more than that. "Hershel said," I really let that sink in for a tiny bit as I allowed Hershel to wipe my face with a cloth. "

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked him as he nodded.

"'Don't let my mother know what I just told you? I don't need her to worry." I asked him.

"What do you mean? I haven't gotten one word from you all day. " replied Hershel with a small smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Get some rest. " he said before he walked away.


『Bri's POV:』

Everyone gathered around and watched as Glenn and Thomas drew out a map of where Carl had found Tyrese's group in the tunnels. We needed to find a way to secure the place to make sure no more walkers could get in.

"He thought he came through here." Cadl responded.

"Means, there's another breach." Said Glenn as Thomas showed his worry about the governor attacking.

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