Chapter 42

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Content Warning: This chapter will contain graphic scenes such as violence and sexual assault if these do make you uncomfortable, do not continue reading and skip ahead. YOU HAVE BERN WARNED.

『Callie's POV』

The following day, Merle and I had actually decided to check the animal traps he and Daryl had set up just a little bit away from the prison before heading back. Once in a while, I did join them for a hunt.

“I'll check by the spot. You check by the creek.”Merle said. “Holler, if you need any help.” he called out before making his way to his spot.

Making my way, I made sure not to draw any attention. Nowadays,we don't know what we will come across. Whether or not it was humans or walkers. Though we fear humans more than we did the dead.

I made my way down to the creek, Daryl and I had made a fish net to catch some fish, and once in a while, we would both come over to see the progress. Some days, we got nothing, and somedays, we hit the jackpot. Today was the day we got nothing.

I finally reached one of the animal traps, squatting down. I took a look at it. It appeared to have caught something, little droplets of blood spattered around the trap. But whatever was caught in it was taken.

My eyes scanned the area only to find a trail of blood leading to some bushes. I got up and looked over to see where the blood led to. When the trail ended, there was nothing there.

Suddenly, I heard some twigs snapping, causing me to sprung around only to see a guy standing there.

“Hey-Hey, sorry. I didn't realize anyone was close by.”  He said; he had dark hair, olive skin, gray eyes, and stood about six feet. He was almost too charming not to look away.

“Who are you?" I questioned, gripping my bat tighter.

“I'm Peter. It's uh-nice to meet you." said Peter, reaching out his hand for a handshake, but I didn't shake it, nor did I say anything.

“Not much of a talker, are you?” Peter asked with a slight chuckle.

“Did you take whatever was in my trap?"I questioned him after a moment of awkward silence.

“Oh. Was that yours?"I thought it was just an old trap. Here."said Peter, reaching into his bag. I quickly got into a defense stance, not sure what he was grabbing for.

“Easy there. Not gonna hurt you.” said Peter as he pulled out a small squirrel. He tossed it over, and I slowly picked it up.

“You don't look too bad." said Peter, only for me to tilt my head in confusion.

“I mean. You don't look too bad in shape? You set up somewhere?” He stuttered a bit.

“Possibly. But you gotta answer three questions first." I told him, never leaving my eyes off him.

“What kind of questions?" he asked.

I took a moment before I sighed slightly. “How many walkers have you killed?” I asked, only to get a chuckle from him.

“What kind of question is that?"

“Just answer the damn question.”

“A little over a 1000.”

“How many people have you killed?”



“They've tried to kill me. Self-defense."

After a moment of thought, I've finally decided to take him back. Though it wasn't my full decision, it was the prison council's, and I was part of it.

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