Chapter 39

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『Thomas’ POV』

“We're not leaving.” claimed Rick after we were ambushed by the Governor, resulting in destroying part of the prison and Axel being killed. I completely agree with him.

“We can't stay here.” My father spoke as everyone else stated their worries.

“Rick says we're not running.We're not running! “ I told them.

“No better to live like rats.” called out Merle from his cell. I only glared at him.

“You got a better idea?” asked Rick. Everyone listened to his stupid idea of running and the possibilities of patrols on the road.

“We ain't scared of that prick.”Daryl told his brother. Daryl wasn't scared of anything. Sometimes, I admired that about him.

“Y'all should be. That fence runs through the fence thing. That's just him ringing the doorbell.” claimed Merle.

“Let's put him in the other cell block. “ said Maggie. I only nodded with my sister. One more word out of him, and I'll punch him again, I didn’t care if Daryl killed me over it.

“No, he's got a point “ stated Daryl.

“This is all you, you started this! “ Maggie yelled at Merle.

“What's the difference between who started it? What do we do? “ Beth called out.

“I said we should leave. “ said my father. “Now Axel's dead. We can't just sit here.”

I watched as Rick started to walk away, causing my father to get up.

“Get back here!”


Bri's POV:

After deciding what to with the governor possibly planning another attack, we've all decided to prepare the prison and ourselves. It was Carl's and mine turn to take watch.

“Psst. There's something weird out there. “ Carl whispered to me, so I used my rifle to look.

I saw a walker out in the field, walking all funny. But it turns out it was being led by Andrea.

“Andrea. “ I whispered to Carl. “Go get your dad and the others. “ I told him.

I've watched him leave before I continued to watch Andrea  make her way further towards the prison.

Everybody cautiously made their way over to her, making sure she was alone before allowing her in the prison. It wasn't long until Rick questioned her in front of everyone. Both Carol and I greeted her with a hug once everyone was inside.

Though with her and Merle's help, we did learn about how the governor works. But we were still guarded around her since we didn't know how much she changed and the fact that she's with the governor. 

“He said you fired first. “ said Andrea.

“Well,l he's lying “ said Rick.

“He killed an inmate who survived here. '' explained Hershel.

“We liked him. He was one of us. “ added Daryl.

“I didn't know anything about that.” claimed Andrea. I believed her, at least somewhat. “As soon as I found out, I came. “ she added before she turned to look at Thomas.

“I didn't even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot out. “ she said.

“That was days ago. “ said Thomas.

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