Chapter 12

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(Bri’s POV)

“ I wanna help look for Sophia too. She’s my friend. “ claimed Carl as the searching party gathered outside the RV.

I stood next to Callie as she stared down at her bat. She hadn’t said a word since last night, and I knew she didn’t get any sleep.

“ Alright. But you got to listen to what the adults have to say. “ Rick told his son, who nodded eagerly.

Soon, everyone left, I followed Callie and stayed near Carl and Lori. Andrea, T-Dog, and Dale stayed back in camp, hoping to fix the RV by the time we come back.

As we traveled deeper into the woods, we saw a small little tent. Rick gave everyone a single to duck down in case we scared her off.

“ She could be in there. Could be anything in there. “ Daryl claimed as we all inched forwards.

Rick motioned for Carol and Callie to come forward a bit. “If she’s in there, you two should be the first voices she hears. Rick told them as Daryl quietly moved forward to scoop out the tent but waited until Carol called out to her youngest daughter.

"Sophia. Baby. It's mommy. I'm here. " Carol kept calling out, but no answer. Daryl decides to open the tent and take a look inside.

It wasn't long before he came out. "It's not her. Left us a present, though. Opted out. " Daryl explained as he gave Rick the gun.

I looked over at Callie and her mother doing their best to comfort each other. I couldn't help but feel bad and hope Rick would be able to keep his promise.


(Callie's POV)
As we made our way deeper into the forest, we heard a chiming. Like the sound of a church.

Everyone else followed Rick and Daryl as they led the group towards the noise.

When we caught sight of the church, everyone made a run for it, with Rick and Daryl in the lead. However, when I got a clear shot of the path, I ran for the church like I've never run before in my life.

Both Rick and I beat everyone to the doors, I waited for his single before I opened the door. Only to find three walkers sitting in the church.

Daryl caught up, and the three of us took down the walkers. Overwhelmed with how things were, I took my anger out on the one that had a veil on until everyone else came in.

Blood smeared all over my face and my bat  as I looked up to see Rick's and Daryl's expression, only to ignore them and scream Sophia's name.


"Yo! JC. Got any requests?" Daryl asked the statue of Jesus.

Shane then proceeds to convince Rick it wasn't a church at all. Until the ringing started once more. Everyone else went outside to find the source.

We all turned the corner to see a huge microphone connected to the wall as Glenn took out the wiring.

"It's on a timer." explained Daryl out of breath.

"I'm gonna go back inside for a bit." My mother said, I could hear the sadness inside her, and she didn't want to cry.

I decided I needed to be alone as well and went to the back of the church.

Sliding my back across the wall,I brought my knees up to my chest before burying my face in my lap and leering the waterworks flow.


(Glenn's POV)

While everyone met back inside the church, I wandered back outside to check on Callie. It wasn't easy losing a family member.

I would know. It was the first thing I've done when the fall had happened. But Callie had always been there for me to cheer me up.

I just wanted to do the same thing for her.

Making my way to the back of the church, I saw her sitting against the wall, her face buried between her lap. It was obvious she had been crying.

I step forward to get closer, only for her to grab her bat. Daryl had given her in defense. Dang, she loves that thing.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. " I told her gently as I held my hands in the air. One deadly swing from her bat, and she could blow a guy's brain out.

"Sorry. Thought you were a walker. '' Callie replied, wiping a tear away.

"Mind if I sit here? "

I slowly sat down next to her once I got a nod of approval. There was a few seconds of silence before Callie started to sob once more.

"This is all my fault! I should have never left her side! " she winnied.

"Hey.Hey.Hey. This isn't your fault. This could have happened to any of us. " I told her, trying my best to calm her down.

"But instead of it happening to me! It happened to my baby sister! "

"We're gonna find her. We just gotta trust Rick. He knows what he's doing. "

"What if we never find her? Or what if it's too late when we do!?"

"Hey. Hey. You can't afford to think like that. Especially with your mom. Your mom needs you now more than ever. We will find her. I promise. "


Author's Note:

(Hello, ya'll. I just wanted to say thank you for sticking around and reading this far. It really means a lot. Please let me know what you guys think down in the comments and if you have any suggestions, especially for character development. I'd like to gladly say that Thomas will he introduced in the next chapter, and I think you guys will really like his character. )

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