Chapter 22

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『Callie's POV』
The next day, Glenn and I were still trying to decide whether or not to tell the others about the barn especially after we promised Maggie and Thomas that we wouldn't.

But the secret was eating the both of us alive. We both couldn't keep a secret even if our lives depended on it.

"We have to tell them. " Glenn said.

"I know. Just let me think. " I told him as I paced around.

"Alright. We will tell them. " I finally said as we made our way over to the group having breakfast.

"Hey guys. Glenn has something he would want to tell you. " I announced, causing everyone's heads to turn our way.

Glenn glanced at me and I only nudged him forward.

"Uh, well. " stammered Glenn. "There's walkers in the barn. "

Soon enough we were all gathered around the barn.  Shane look into the cracks of the doors and clear enough, the walkers were still there.

"Alright. Either we gotta go in there and make things right or we just gotta go. We've been talking about Fort Benning for a while. " started Shane but Rick interrupted him.

" We can't just leave. " he claimed.

"Why not? " Shane asked, annoyed.

"Cause my daughter is still out there. " my mother replied, which only made Shane more annoyed.

"I think we just gotta consider other possibilities. " started Shane.

"We're not leaving Sophia behind. " repeated Rick.

" I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her stuffed animal a few days ago. '' claimed Daryl, causing Shane to start laughing.

"You found her stuffed animal, Daryl. That's what you did, you found her stuffed animal, " he claimed.

My nostrils started to flare up at his words. Sure he only found Mr.Kittens but that was the first clue we had in a while and it meant more to me and my mother than Shane thought.

" You don't know what the hell you're talking about!!" Daryl angrily yelled at Shane who started to go on about police work.

I couldn't hold in my anger any more. Especially when Shane claimed she would run in the other direction even if we did find her.

While Shane was ranting, I walked right up to him and….


I've punched him right in the face, shocking everyone but angring Shane even more. 

"WE'RE NOT LEAVING HER BEHIND! " I repeatedly yelled at him as we got up in each other's faces, Glenn pulled me away from Shane while Rick and Daryl stood in front of him. Meanwhile, I was fighting Glenn to let me go.

" LET GO OF ME! " I yelled, pushing Glenn off me and running away from the group.

『Bri's POV』

It's been over three hours since Glenn and Callie told us all about the walkers in the barn and three hours since Callie ran off.

Causing me to worry, but Lori and everyone else told me to let Callie be. I just couldn't. She was there for me after my dad and Jacqui died, now I wanted to be there for her.

I walked around to the other barn where they kept the horses and saw Thomas taking care of them. "Thomas? " I called out.

"Yes ma'am? " Thomas answered, turning to look at me.

"It's Callie. I'm worried. Everyone else says I shouldn't." I told him. He only nodded, seemingly to understand.

"Thank you. " I told him watching as he got up on his horse.

"If Maggie or my pops asks where I am. " started Thomas.

"I'll let them know. " I replied and watched as he rode off towards the fields.

I made my way back to the farm where the others were sitting on the porch. "I asked Thomas to go look for Callie. " I told Carol who just nodded a thank you.

Everyone else was just sitting on the porch when Andrea and T-dog asked where Rick was but no one had an answer.

Suddenly, Shane showed up with the gun bag and started handing out the guns. He even handed one to Carl. That set me off and I quickly swiped the gun away from Carl's hand, giving Shane a glare as I let Lori try to handle him.

Though our attention turned to what caught T-Dog's eyes. Rick,Jimmy and Hershel were leading walkers on a snare angering Shane as he ran toward them with everyone else following.

Shane was so angry he pulled out his pistol and started shooting the walker that Hershel was leading, causing everyone to duck and cover their ears.

Shane was so angry, it cause him to open the barn door leading out the walkers.

『Thomas' POV』

I took Bambi to go find Callie after Bri had asked me to. Keeping my eye out for not only the walkers but for Sophia as well.

I made my way down to the swimming hole where I could see Callie skipping some pebbles in the distance,so I made my way towards her.

As I got closer I noticed she was only throwing the pebbles. "Either you don't know how to skip rocks or you're purposely just throwing them in. " I called out as I leaped down from Bambi.

All I got for a response was "Go away "

"I can't. I promised Bri I'll find you. " I told her as I made my way down.

"Well you found me so you can go. " she bitterly replied.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong. "

That was when the water works came and I quickly sat down next to her. I knew she was worried about her sister but also wanted to be strong for her mother.

"Hey. Hey. It's going to be alright. Is it about Sophia? " I asked only to get a nod as a reply.

"I should have never left her. I should have stayed with the group. It's my fault she's lost. " cried Callie.

"No. No it's not. Anyone can get lost in these woods. " I told her. " Listen, we'll find her. Daryl found Mr.Kittens not long ago. We have a trail and we when do find her, we will bring her back. " I told her.

"But what if she's dead? "

"You can't afford to think like that,especially for your mother. I promise you we will find her. " I told her.

For the next few minutes I just let her have her moment. Letting her lean up against my shoulders. Growing up with Bethy and Maggie, I've learned to just support them by being there emotionally and sometimes silently.

When she was ready to go back, I helped her get up onto Bambi and that was when we heard the gunfire in which sounded like it came from the farm.

"What was that? " She asked.

"I dunno and it doesn't sound good. " I replied, hopping up with her and stirring Bambi towards the direction of the farm.

When we got there, everyone was at the barn and it was like a war zone.

Everyone else had their guns, everyone my family knew that was sick was now dead. Shane was at the front of the group with Rick glaring at him. My sisters were crying, my father seemed to be in shock.

I could feel the strands of my hair standing up, my nostrils flared in anger, fists clenched as I so badly wanted to hit Shane. But something else caught everyone's attention.

They missed one.

A little girl

One I didn't recognize.

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