Chapter 55

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『Lucy's POV』

“Here bite onto this.” Carol told me softly as she handed me a shirt to bite on. Tyreese had locked Lizzie in her room and taken anything sharp away from her.
I did as I was told and bitten onto the shirt.

“I'm gonna need you to hold her down.” Carol tells Tyreese, who gently held my arms down. I could feel the sweat and adrenaline rushing in my veins.

But according to Carol, the stab wound wasn't too deep, and she would be able to stitch me together, at least if I kept still.

“Doctors make the worst patients,” said Carol softly as she smiled at me. I let out a muffled scream as I felt her clean the wound with what little hydrogen peroxide we had. My muscles tightened as Tyreese held me down so I wouldn't move as much.

“It'll be over soon.” said Tyreese as he wiped off the sweat that was pouring down my face.

It felt like forever while Carol was stitching me up. I had even fallen asleep just before she was able to finish.

The next time I woke up, it was dark. Tyreese and Carol were sitting quietly at the table. I could barely make out the conversation. But I knew it had something to do with Terminus.

“You can leave me behind.” I croak catching their attention. I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to them if they were planning on taking me.“What if a herd catches up to us? I would just slow them down.”

“Oh no, sweetie. We're not gonna leave you behind. “ said Carol.

“But what happens if a herd - “ I began.

“That won't happen. We're only a few miles away from Terminus. We will get there within a day. Besides, they might have a doctor there.” said Carol.

“No one's getting left behind, kid. We will leave first thing in the morning.” said Tyreese.

“The only thing you have to worry about is getting plenty of rest.” said Carol as she walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead before blowing out the lamp.


The next time I woke up, it was to the sound of a single gunfire out in the yard and knowing who it was, I couldn't help but place my hand over my mouth to stop myself from whimpering.

Both Lizzie and Mika were now dead.

I closed my eyes as soon as I heard footsteps coming inside, pretending to go back to sleep.

“We should get going now. “ said Carol, I could hear the sadness in her voice as I heard her coming closer and feeling her gently shaking me up.

“It's time to go.” she said softly,I only nodded as I let them pick me up carefully and laid me down in the mishift cot they had made for me. I winced a bit as I was being lifted.

“Can I at least hold Judith?” I asked. I didn't want them to have so many loads. “I won't drop her.” I promised them.

“Sure thing, sweetie.” said Carol as she gently laid Judith on me. I couldn't help but smile at the baby. She looked so much like Carl.

It wasn't long before we began our journey to Terminus. I just kept staring at the sky, holding Judith in my arms.


『Bri’s POV』

By noon high, we arrived at the gates of Terminus. The group cautiously made their way inwards. I was hoping Beth would be here. But I knew she probably wouldn't be.

The group continued to walk through the gates of Terminus. Looking around, I noticed how there were things along the walls, such as plants growing and just random things.

As we reached the corner. There was the strong smell of someone barbecuing, and it smelled amazing.  The woman turned around to greet us with a huge smile on her face that almost felt too welcoming for my taste.

“Hi, I'm Mary.” began the woman with a small relieving sigh. “It looks like you have been on the road for a while.” She claimed.

“We have.” Maggie responded in which it caused Mary’s smile to grow even bigger.

“We will get you settled and fix you up a plate.” Mary said.

“Welcome to Terminus.”

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