Chapter 24

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『Thomas' POV』
"If anything, he will be at the Carriage Bar. I can show you myself. " I told Rick as he and Glenn made our way to the vehicles.

"You think that's a good idea? " Rick asked. Rick had volunteered to go get Hershel, but I also wanted to go too.

I nodded. "Besides, I know the town best. We can slip in and out. Daryl's can be in charge while we're gone. " I said. Rick seemed to like the idea and nodded as we all climbed into the truck.

I stare at the window while listening to Glenn and Rick talk about Maggie as Rick gives Glenn some advice. I couldn't help but think about Callie, wondering and hoping she was going to be okay.

Soon enough, we reached our destination, and all got out of the car. Glenn mentioned Lori being pregnant. Something I didn't even know.

"Wait, Lori's pregnant? " I asked, causing Rick to nod his head.

"Congratulations, man. " I told him, though paused for a moment. "Your group's more than welcome to stay for as long as you need. " I told Rick.

" Thank you. Do you think your father's going to approve of it, though? " Rick questioned.

"I don't need his permission.  It's my farm now. " I told Rick, who looked back at me in confusion. 

"My dad quit drinking when my sister and I were born. But there were a few times I had caught him. The last time, I told him I quit school because I wanted to take over the farm. My father and I made the deal that if I go back and if I ever caught him drinking again, the farm's mine. " I explained to Rick.

"Sounds reasonable. " Rick responded.

"Yeah, well, if he's in there. " I started, I knew 100% that my father was there. But I was trying to remain as calm as possible.

"Perhaps I should be the one to do the talking. " Rick stated.

"What, why? " I asked.

"You're fuming. I can tell. It won't do us no good with you going in there saying something you can't take back. " Rick answered.

I stood there silently for a few before nodding my head in agreement. The next thing I knew, I was following them inside.

"Hershel?" Rick called out.

It was a moment before my father answered. "Whose with you? "

"Glenn. " replied Rick.

"And Thomas? Is Thomas with you? " my father asked as if he felt my presence. 

Rick and I exchanged some looks before Rick nodded at me. "I'm here, dad. " I told him.

"Did Maggie send you? "

"We all volunteered. " I replied as we walked up to him.

"How many have you had? " Rick asked.

"Not enough. "

I tried to hold a scoff, but Glenn elbowed me.

"Let's finish this back at home. Callie collapsed. She's in some sort of state. Must be in some sort of shock. I think you are too. " explained Rick.

"Is her mother with her? " My father asked.

"Yeah. But she needs you. "

"What can I do? She needs her mother."

"But we need you. "

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