Chapter 28

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『Callie's POV』

"What do you think Carl? Think you can beat Thomas in a race yet? " I asked Carl as he and I helped Thomas walk around the farm after he had gotten shot the other night.

I had promised Lori to look after Carl and helped him with his chores while she helped Maggie & Bri take care of Beth who was still recovering.

"Hell yeah. " Carl answered with a bright smile.

"Let's give it a day or two then I'll race ya around the horse tracks. chuckled Thomas, only getting a nod from the boy.

Our attention was turned when Bri had called out to us. Her long blonde hair flowing perfectly in the small gust of wind that blew.

"It's Beth. It's pretty bad. Lori went to go get Maggie. " Bri answered in between breaths.

Both Thomas and I glance at each other. I nodded at him to go be with his little sister. "Go. We will be fine. " I told him, watching as he left with Bri back to the house.

Carl clearing his throat caught me off guard and I looked at him, he had a huge smile on his face as he placed his hands on his side.

"What? " I asked him clueless.

"Nothing. " he replied. I only playfully rolled my eyes at him and flicked him on the forehead.

"Alright. Let's go collect the eggs. " I told him and we walked together to the chicken coop.

After helping Carl with his chores, I decided to stick around the house to also help with Beth. My mother and I were playing cards on the kitchen table when we heard the shattering of glass.

"What's going on? " my mother question.

"Stay here. " I told her, grabbing my bat and rushing upstairs to Beth's room. I saw Lori and Maggie struggling to open the bathroom door while finding the key.

"'Move! Move! " I told them and started to smash the doorknob with my bat but it didn't work.

"Give me your gun. " I told Lori and she quickly gave me her gun. I aimed it at the door knob and fired. Watching as the knob fell , I quickly opened the door.

To our horror, Beth was holding her hands as blood gushed down her arms." I'm sorry. " she sobbed as Maggie pulled her in for a hug.

I raced downstairs and yelled at my mother to get Hershel before quickly going back up and helping Lori gather all the towels and the sewing kit we could find so he could stitch her arms back up.

"What happened? " I asked Lori as we watched from the sidelines as Hershel stitched up his youngest child.

"I don't know. Maggie said she left her with Andrea. " replied Lori.

Anger boiled my skin like a 3rd degree burn. My fist turned into balls as I left the room.  I could hear Lori and Maggie calling after me. But I ignored them as I went outside to find Andrea.

Luckily for me, Andrea came running towards the house. "I heard, is she alright? " she called out. I was about to answer but Maggie pushed passed me.

"She would be if you were with her. Where were you? " Maggie demanded. But Andrea ignored her.

"How bad is it? " she asked.

"It wasn't deep. " Lori answered.

"She wants to live, she made her decision. " Andrea said as if it was her choice. 

"She tried to kill herself. Maggie told her, angrily.

"No, she didn't. " replied Andrea.

"My father is stitching her wrists right now. "

"She'll live. "

I couldn't hold my anger any more and next thing I knew, my hand slapped Andrea across the face so hard it left a handprint.  Both Maggie and Lori had shocked expressions.

But I could only glare at Andrea. "It has never been your decision whether or not someone will live or die. " I told her.

"But she wants to live. I gave her that choice. " replied Andrea, holding her cheek.

" No you didn't, she's just a child and she's mourning over her dead mother and brother. Let her be. "

" But look at you. You're doing better and she will too. "

"It's different, Andrea. She's not like everyone else, she's only 16. You think I want to be like Beth and be able to mourn!? I have no choice! I have my mother to look after! " I yelled at her.

" Beth will be fine. She made her choice. " Andrea replied as she went to walk inside, but I stopped her, making her go back down the steps.

"If you come near any of the Greene's ever again, Daryl's head isn't the only one getting shot at. "

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