Chapter 1

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Five Years Later

ESCHEWAL SITS AT HIS desk in a shirt and tie, staring at his computer screen. It has taken a while, but he has disconnected from all the destructive forces. The last destructive force, which he disconnected from, was promiscuous sex. This was the hardest because he had always conflicted with the animal in man – The Dog.

The Dog had made him do terrible things in the past and always made him feel sick and twisted afterward. So when he had learned what promiscuity meant, he was glad he had to "fight" The Dog and get rid of it to become a creator of values and receive the happiness & riches the black book promised.

Two years after "killing" The Dog, he is now waiting to become a creator of values, but unfortunately, he has not clearly understood the second requirement in achieving this. He had thought by just reading the black book and disconnecting from all the destructive forces; he would automatically become a creator of values and receive happiness & riches. But this has not happened, and he is wondering why?

He thinks back to that night he laid in the hospital bed. He did not sleep until he finished reading the black book, which drew him from that very first page to a world outside himself.

As he read more of the black book, he was hit by words he had never seen before. They were strange words, but within sentences amongst other common words, he had just about understood the message and the power of the black book. Once he reached the end, he was warned:

Be careful to whom you expose this knowledge. Many will become angry (even though they implicitly know the reality) and quickly defend the destructive matrix of corrupt forces with a hundred different rationalizations. These people do not want to be disconnected because the corrupt forces provide short-term happiness (which leads to long-term problems). Remember: most people are willing to trade their health and life in exchange for destructive stimulation.

He smiles and shuts down his computer. He has to admit that since the moment he decided to disconnect from the destructive forces, his life has been much better. He shakes his head at still not understanding why he has not yet become a creator of values.

He rises from his desk, unaware that the answer to his question will soon reveal itself, but not before taking him to the dark depths of his soul.

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