Chapter 66

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THE CHILLY SUNNY MORNING ended and brought a cold-fresh-crisp night and a full moon shining high in the sky.

Deuce is on his way to Eschewal's house; he has a new girl for him and Eschewal. The girl has dreams of her and Deuce being lovers, but he has other ideas.

He pulls up two streets away from Eschewal's house and dials his number.

Eschewal answers.

Deuce begins his pitch, "Yes, blood, what you saying...? Hey, I've got a big link for me and you, blood. One sexy chick, she's on it."

In a blunt tone, Eschewal says, "Nah, bro, I'm not on it."

Deuce feels the muscles in his chest tighten up. He desperately needs Eschewal to drive him to meet this new girl because last week, his girlfriend's sister spotted him kissing another girl as she stepped out of his car. That night when he went home, his main argument was, "Nah, babes, the girl is my workmate, and I didn't kiss her, she kissed me, and it was only a friendly kiss on the cheek after I dropped her to the bus stop."

His girlfriend was not convinced, and Deuce knew he could not risk having girls in his car again.

He bites down on his lip as he controls his desperation from showing in his voice, then says, "Why are you not on it, blood?"

Eschewal feels a sinking sensation in his stomach. He says, "I've met my wifey, blood. I'm telling you she's the one."

Deuce shrieks, "How you mean, she's the one? Listen, you can't just trust no girl. I told you before every girl that I know are cheating bitches. I'm telling you, that's why I do what I do."

Eschewal almost sucks his teeth as he says, "Bruv, I'm not watching that. If she wants to cheat on me, that's up to her. But I will never cheat on her, and that's real."

"So what you saying, you're not gonna come on this link?"

Eschewal shakes his head, not caring that he has now revealed he is no longer a player, and says, "Nah, I've told you, bruv. I've met my wifey. It's long."

Hate, spite, and madness twist in Deuce's throat. He can hardly get the words out, "Alright, blood, alright. I'll talk to you later." He squeezes his phone. He feels like smashing it on the window screen. "Cunt," he says to himself, "after all the links I brought him on, he was just trying to find a wifey? Liberties." He leans back in his seat and stares out the window as he thinks of a way to get back at Eschewal.

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