Chapter iii

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ESCHEWAL READS THE FIRST line of the black book: You're the creator of your destiny. Surprise dons his face. He licks his lips and continues reading.

For over 2000 years, destructive governments have blocked the immense power within every human mind.

He removes his eyes from the page and blinks towards the ceiling. He wonders what could be this immense power. His heart pounds inside his chest. He takes a deep breath and continues reading.

That immense power consists of entirely using one's volitional conceptual consciousness. What is volitional conceptual consciousness? It is the ability to debate with oneself, make decisions, and ultimately create new values. One can only create new values after one has learned how to unleash one's full volitional conceptual consciousness.

He places the black book on his chest and closes his eyes. He knows the next thing the black book will tell him is how to unleash his full volitional conceptual consciousness, so he opens his eyes and continues reading.

To unleash one's full volitional conceptual consciousness, one must disconnect from the destructive matrix of corrupt forces by rejecting anything that destroys the human organism, whether the threat is mental or physical. The following are the most common.

In a slow, careful manner, he reads aloud the list of items he must disconnect from: Sugar, Alcohol, Caffeine, Tobacco, Narcotics, Promiscuity, Objective Crime, Gambling, Destructive Governments, Mysticism, Religion and Cults.

The black book continues: Once disconnected from those destructive forces, one will unleash the full power of one's volitional conceptual consciousness. This will give one the ability to become a creator of values. Then, automatically, happiness & riches will flow to one.

A feeling of excitement seeps through him as he is promised happiness & riches. He smiles because he dreams of happiness and enough money to leave the street life all his life. Therefore, the decision to believe what the black book promises is an easy one.

He lays the black book on his chest and plans to disconnect from the list of destructive forces.

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