Chapter 112

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Eighteen Days Later

ESCHEWAL'S EYES SPRING OPEN as the turbulence shakes the plane. He is on his way back from a sunny little island.

The content of his suitcase puts him back to focusing on his mission ahead. If it goes down right, his irrational plan will hopefully wash away his sins and make him become a creator of values.

He looks out of the small plane window, stares at the clouds, and thinks, 'But can I really do this?'

He closes his eyes. A quote from the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe floods his mind. He recites the quote: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now!"

He opens his eyes and nods. 'I can do it. I'm gonna make my dream come true.'

He closes back his eyes as the plane ascends over his homeland. One heavy bump and the airport comes into view; he grips the armrest. He looks cool and calm for what is about to happen.

With another bump and a jolt, the plane descends further. He breathes easy as the aircraft touches the ground and rolls along the runway.

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