Chapter 64

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THE LIGHTS ARE DOWN low. Eschewal and Manna have plates of food on their laps. They sit and eat in comfortable silence, with soft music humming in the background.

He cannot remember Chinese food ever tasting this good. Manna's aura makes every spoonful he eats taste sweeter and more delicious.

They finish eating and talk for the next two hours. Then, as casually as possible, Manna slips into Eschewal's arms.

He grows an instant erection, but not one full of lust that would make him want to start having sex. It is evenly balanced out with deep resonating love.

For the first time in so many years, his heart is overflowing with happiness, and he owes it all to Manna.

He smiles as he feels there is no longer the need to become a creator of values as he has all the happiness he needs.

He looks down and watches Manna fall asleep in his arms.

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