11. Enid Sinclair | Three's a crowd

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Pairing: Enid Sinclair x Fem Reader

Requested: Yes, so long ago, sorry. Up next, Tyler, then Ajax.

Warnings: None. Just pure fluff.


"Did you see?!" Enid ran towards you, costume still on. Her black cat's ears bobbed up and down with the motion, the headband almost flying off. "Did you see?"

You laughed, wrapping her in a hug.

"You did amazing." Enid's arms came to wrap around your waist, and you let her, not caring she was going to get you wet too. She looked gorgeous, whole face glowing with happiness. Her eyes shined more than normal, cheeks flushed with the exertion of the race. You knew how much this meant to her, how hard she had worked with her team to make this all possible. The weeks spent working on the boat, the costume and designing a strategy that was just right. It was all worth it now. "You deserved this win more than everyone."

"Thank you!" Enid laughed. Her entire body was shaking, probably from the adrenaline high. Her laugh sounded a bit hysterical. You ran a hand over her hair, trying to soothe her.

"Want to go celebrate?" You asked her, taking the headband from her and placing it in your head. "I got us a reservation at The Amber Bistro."

"You did?" Enid blinked, almost as if confused. "But... That's the only restaurant in Jericho, the wait list is..."

"Yeah, I know. I was sure you would win, so when you told me you would be the captain for Ophelia's hall, I made the reservation." And yes, it had been exactly like that. You hadn't doubted Enid, not even for a second. The Golden Bugs were good, but not better than your girl. When she put her mind to something, you could bet she was going to pull through. Your girl. What a thrill those words gave you. Only thinking them could get you to smile in a silly way. You weren't used to it yet, but you loved being able to say them.

"But... What if I had lost? Bianca..."

"Babe, there was no way you were going to lose. Bianca's good, sure. But you are better. You worked your ass off for this, and with Wednesday as your second? Bianca was going to get her ass handed to her, and we all knew it."


"Anything you put your mind to, you achieve." You gave her a peck. It was true. Making you her girlfriend? Enid had had you on your knees and thinking it was all your idea in a week. Befriending Wednesday? She had that girl begging to put on a friendship bracelet before she even thought about it. Winning the race? It was a given. "But, if you had lost, I would have asked if you wanted to go on a nice date and took you anyway or canceled and stayed in with you."

"But I didn't lose." Enid smiled again, bright and sweet. "We won."

"You did." You kissed her again, unable to resist. "Go, go get ready. I'll pick you up at six. We are sneaking out."

At six, you met Enid near the gates of Nevermore. The journey on foot was long, but both of you were used to it. It wasn't the first time you and her broke the rules and snuck out. You were wearing a nice winter dress, with sensible shoes. A light coat was draped over your shoulders, not really keeping you warm, more for the aesthetics. Going out with Enid always prompted you to dress up because she always noticed your efforts. You loved when she smiled like that, all proud.

"Oh, I love your coat! You have to let me borrow it someday." Enid pecked you on the lips, and eagerly took your hand.

"I know!" You matched her energy. "Come on, it's a long walk." Joining your hand with hers, you started dragging her towards the path.

"I... I wanted to thank you." Enid said, after a while. "I... I think I sounded ungrateful before, when I asked what you would have done if I lost. But... Nobody had believed in me the way you do before."

"Not even yourself?" You asked, knowingly. The relationship with her parents, that was a tough one. Her mother was disappointed in her inability to get a full shift and had dragged her along to every specialist in the area. The pressure on her was immense because even if Enid tried not to care about it, she still felt like she was going to be stuck in a partial shift for the rest of her life, with all the devastating consequences that brought on. No pack, no mate. You can exactly run with wolves in human legs. And Enid, Enid, was no Wednesday. Enid thrived on social settings, she loved people. Being tossed aside by her family had to hurt.

"Not even myself." She agreed, squeezing your hand in hers.

"I'll always believe in you, Enid." You turned to smile at her, hoping she could see how much you loved her in your eyes. You two hadn't said it yet, but you were convinced that was how you felt about her. "No matter what." And then, turning your tone more cheery. "Come on, we are gonna be late."

You pulled Enid into the restaurant, smiling at the awe she had for the place. Truth was, you had been saving up for months to be able to afford a nice dinner here, with it being the only place in town except for the Weathervane, the prices were outrageous. That was the deal with monopolies, you guessed. They could charge whatever and people would still come because there wasn't any other choice.

"Are you sure?" Enid asked, eyeing the prices on the menu. A tight, pinched expression was appearing in her face. The one that said: I am not worthy. "I can cover my half of the bill, or we could go somewhere else..."

"Yes, Enid. And don't try ordering a salad and a water." You threatened. "If you do, I'm going to get up and harass the server to charge your order, and you don't want to see that."

"What about..." She scanned the menu, eyes lighting up. "Artichoke soup?" And to no one's surprise, that was the second-cheapest item on the menu.

"Enid, I know you don't like soup." You complained, and did your own review of the menu. "What about steak and fries? I'm getting the pasta a la carbonara, and maybe we could share a dessert?"

"Are you...?" She started to protest, again, and you wanted to throttle her. Didn't she see you wanted to spoil her?


"Fine, fine. Tiramisu sounds good." She agreed.

The food was good, so much it even justified the prices. You felt sorry about badmouthing the place, really. Enid was great company, bright and delighted by the new tastes and textures of the dishes you both tried. You loved the way the mood lighting enhanced her features, reflecting on the shiny shirt she was wearing and surrounding you both in a kaleidoscope of color. You would give anything to live forever in this instant, Enid animated and confident, surrounded by her favorite colors.

"I was thinking... We could watch a movie in my dorm? Wednesday must be out." Enid said, taking the last few bites of the tiramisu. It seemed like she felt the same, not wanting the date to end. At this moment, your problems seemed far away, in this bubble of yours, nothing could touch you. Not the gruesome murders happening around town, not Wednesday's moods, not Enid's parent's disapproval. It was just the two of you, in the expensive restaurant, surrounded by the rainbows Enid reflected, with the taste of coffee and dessert on your lips. Warm. Safe. Untouchable.

"I would love that!" You answer, maybe too eager. Enid grabs your hand over the table, squeezing gently.

"Want to cuddle you so bad." Enid says, smiling."I'm totally putting the Poe Cup next to you in my bed. My two favorite things."

"Don't you dare!" You laugh. But when Wednesday gets back from her nightly investigation activities, she finds you both curled on the bed, Poe cup between the two. If she covers you both with a blanket, not even Thing dares to say anything.

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