153. Wednesday Addams | Unknown II

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Word Count: 1.5kSummary: in this second part reader finally finds out something more about her ability, though it was not what she expected there will be someone to calm her down.Warnings: nonePairing: Wednesday x Fem!Reader


The following day you woke up in that empty room of yours, too anxious to start this day. It would be the first time following lessons here at Nevermore, and even though you were VERY nervous, you were curious as to what the subjects were and to how they would be taught. You decided it would be a clever idea to skip breakfast because you wanted to avoid being made fun of. Plus, you were still wearing Wednesday's clothes because you forgot to dry your uniform.

As you had skipped breakfast and had nothing to do, you decided to head over to the first class, it was the one with Miss Thornhill, who taught about all kinds of plants, wether they were edible or not, good or bad or even if they were usable in the medic field. You certainly had made some noise while getting in the greenhouse and the teacher heard you, coming your way with a small (and somewhat creepy) smile on her face.

"You must be (Y/N), right? It's nice to have you here. Why are you here so soon?" She asked. Too many questions, you thought. "Yeah that's me. I'm here so soon because I have nowhere to be and I don't want to get bullied. I figured that here I could just avoid them, since no one wants to go to class early so here I am" you said and looked at the woman in front of you, who then gave you a small smile. "Mrs. Weems Told me what happened yesterday and told me about you. If you need Anybody to talk to I'm here" you nodded as a silent thanks and then everybody got in the room.

Everybody sat together as the desks were made for two people, and you sat alone but Wednesday and Enid sat behind you, saying you a good morning. Wednesday noticed how you still had her clothes on, of course you did, you had nothing else to wear and the orphanage had no plans on bringing you your stuff. During that class you caught a glimpse of someone's ability. Xavier could animate drawings, Yoko was a vampire and Enid a werewolf. You also wondered what you were and you probably always will wonder that.

The other classes went on more or less the same way of the first one and you were getting tired of hearing people whisper things about you then look at you and giggle. This is why at lunch when you knew everybody would be together, you decided to go take a look in the woods behind the school. You loved the nature, and this forest, as creepy as it was, was also really beautiful.

You sat down against the tree to eat your lunch, when suddenly you heard the sounds of the winter leaves cracking under someone's feet. You turned around to see Wednesday come towards you. "(Y/N), I finally found you" she said and you stood up to match her height, kind of, since she was really short. "There's a monster going around and killing people in these woods. You shouldn't be out here on your own. Come on let's get back to school" she said and tried to get you to go back inside the building.

You chuckled at what you heard. A monster? That couldn't be possible. "Yeah right, a monster. Seriously Addams?" You asked her, raising your arms to the side only to let them fall back against your sides in annoyance "did the others put you up to this?" You asked her, using an accusing tone. You truly couldn't trust anyone... "I act under no one's command but my own, (Y/N). I'm serious, this thing has killed a lot of people already and it could get both of us too if we don't get back inside the school" she said raising her tone a bit. She was dead serious, yet you couldn't find it in yourself to believe a word she said.

"Why would I believe you Addams!?" You raised your tone as a consequence to Wednesday doing the same thing. Your pupils squinted, taking the shape of a cat eye pupil. Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows. She could see something had changed in your appearance, but she was too distant to pinpoint what it actually was "because I have no reason to lie to a no one" she said without even thinking of it. Typical, she always does this. "Yeah right. If I'm a no one them why stand up for me when Bianca pushed me in the shower, huh?" Your hands, and most specifically your fingers were starting to take the shape of claws, nails getting longer and pointy "if I'm a no one here and yet you stood up to me, why not stand up to me when we were at the same normie school? What's the difference now!?"

The white part of your eyes was slowly turning into a darker color, going to black. Only then Wednesay realized what had changed. "(Y/N)." The shorter girl tried calling for you in a lower voice tone, but you kept on rambling about what was different from then. "(Y/N)!" Wednesday called again, this time in a much different, higher and more authoritative tone. "WHAT!" You snapped at her. She lowered her tone once again "your hands."

You looked at her confused and then looked at your hands. Your expression then completely switched from a mad one to a panicked one as you looked at Wednesday as to ask for help. You didn't know what had happened to you. All you knew was that you were scared and you didn't know what was happening to you. You had never felt emotions this strong before. "It's okay. Try to breathe slower" she instructed you, and following her advice your hands turned back to normal and so did your eyes.

"Come on let's get you back to the school and tell Mrs. Weems what happened, before she kills us for being out here for too long, as much as I'd want that." The brunette said as she started walking back to the school. As soon as you got to her office Wednesday explained what she saw and then she left as Weems asked her to. "Can you tell me what happened (Y/N)? What did you do that made you uh... change your aspects?" She asked with a kind, soft voice tone. God that woman really knew how to talk to people, especially the most sensitive ones.

"I told you I don't know exactly... all I know is that I thought Wednesday was lying to me and I got really mad.. I'm used to people lying to me but this time I just felt different. I didn't know what was happening to me until Wednesday made me notice and calmed me down. I don't know what happened to me and it scares me a lot" you told her honestly as you wrapped your arms around yourself, this was something you'd do whenever you feel insecure.

Weems noticed that and tried to make you feel at ease, but at the same time she had to break the news to you. "I don't know what to say (Y/N), we never had someone like you here before. It seems that whatever it is, it's triggered by strong emotions and today you probably awakened it. Plus, by how Wednesday described it, it can't be something good." She sighed looking at you with a helpless look, she truly wanted to help you but she didn't know how to.

"We'll keep an eye on you okay? In the meantime I'll do some research so I can help you figure out what it is and how to control it, there must be something in our books that can help us figure out what's going on with you. We don't know yet what calms your... instincts, but since apparently Wednesday's presence helped you earlier, look for her whenever you feel it happening again okay?" You nodded at the woman in front of you, then looked away like a lost puppy.

"Now go rest for the night and try to stay calm, okay? You'll find s little something in your bed when you get inside" she said smiling motherly at you, then watched as you left towards Ophelia hall. You tried ignoring everyone you met and as soon as you stepped inside your room, you saw a bunch of clothes on your bed, and a small note, from Weems.

'Dear (Y/N).

Given how badly you've been treated during your life, I deem it necessary that you now start living like you deserve and that you get treated like you deserve. This is why I bought you some nice clothes, they're all new so all you have to do is take away the target. Eventually you'll fit in here, trust me. Nevermore might not feel so perfect now, but it will soon.

Psa: I've had a little help when picking the clothes as I didn't know what your tastes were. These are two completely different styles but who knows, maybe you can mix them and make your own style!'

You did take a better look at the clothes and it didn't take you much to realize who had helped Weems as half of the clothes were white and black, and the other half was fully colored.

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