165. Xavier Thorpe | To The Stars II

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Summary: You and Xavier reenact another scene from "Titanic" in a more... Risque location.

TW: profanity, innuendo, sexual situations, p in v sex, fucking without protection (wrap it before you tap it, kids), edging, oral sex, semi public sex

Word Count: 1,628 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Wednesday characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.

"Babe, the night's still young. Let's find a car."

You laugh, kissing Xavier's shoulder as he pulls you in closer, "Okay, well, there's only one car that I know of," you smirk at him, "And it belongs to a certain principal of a certain school."

Xavier looks at you dubiously, "Weems's car? You can't be serious."

"As a heart attack."

"Y/N, you're insane. You said let's do the Titanic car scene. I said let's find a car. Not her car!"

"Baby, it's literally such a great idea. It'll be fun," seeing that your words are having absolutely no effect on Xavier, you pout, "You used to be fun."

Your boyfriend looks at you, his eyes wide and shaking his head, "No, you are so nuts for this. I'm all for stealing a car, but the fucking Principal's?!"

"That's what makes it so fun," you insist, "Baby, c'mon. Please?"

He looks at you as you give him the widest, most innocent, pleading eyes you can. Xavier struggles within himself for a minute before giving in.

"Oh, fuck it. Let's go."

"Yes!" you shriek, rolling over on top of him and peppering his face with kisses, "You're the best boyfriend ever, I love you, baby!"

The two of you wait for the sun to go down before you sneak out to the front of the school in search of Weems's car. Xavier goes first, signaling for you to follow after him. Using your powers to unlock the car, Xavier immediately hops in the driver's seat and you in the back seat.

Once you're safely inside and the door is again locked, you lean forward, grinning at him, and he moves forward to peck your cheek, "Hi, girlfriend."

You giggle, turning to press your lips to his, "Hi," you frown for a second, "Are you not gonna honk the horn like Leo does or-"

"No!" Xavier nearly screams, "Oh my God!"

You burst out laughing at how frantic he sounds, "Babe, I wasn't actually saying you should do that. I'm not that crazy."

"Hm," Xavier whispers in your ears, "Where to, Miss?"

You grin, quoting back to him, "To the stars."

And you pull him by the hand as he climbs between the two front seats to sit in the back with you. You grab the lapels of his uniform jacket and move so that he can lay down on top of you. He runs a hand through his hair, pushing it off his face.

"You're so beautiful," he murmurs, "You know that, don't you?"

You beam up at him, "It's always nice to hear you say it."

He leans down and presses a kiss to your neck, sucking on your skin and leaving a reminder of your time together. You moan breathily into his ear, making him grin.

"Well, we're turned on already, aren't we?"

"Shut up."

Xavier moves up to your lips, tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth. You open your mouth and he slides his tongue in against yours, massaging it. He quickly sheds his uniform jacket and shirt, helping you up so you may do the same with yours.

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