121. Xavier Thorpe | at midnight

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summary: bringing in the new year with a drastic change was definitely not on your bingo card but here you were.

pairing: xavier thorpe x reader


the nightshades decided to come back to the school early in order to celebrate the new year with a party. it wasn't only the members but close friends were allow to come too. principal weems deemed it okay to have it in the nightshades library. bianca, yoko, divina and you were in charge of the decorations while the boys were in charge of food and music.

with the party in full swing, you went to get a slice of pizza after quietly removing yourself from the previous conversation you were in with enid and yoko. "can i have a bite of your pizza?" you didn't have to even turn around to know that it was xavier, your best friend.

"xavi you can literally get your own pizza."

"i wanna bite out of yours though," he shrugs his shoulders not caring about the other slices of pizza. you narrowed your eyes at him and saw that he wasn't gonna let it go.

huffing, you held out the pizza for him to bite. he grins before leaning down to bite the pizza slice keeping his eyes on you while he did it. why was that so attractive? you always thought xavier was attractive but you knew that you didn't want to risk the friendship you had with him. so what does one do when in love with their best friend? try to ignore it and hope for the best.

"why are you like this?"

"we always share stuff, why stop now?" he did have a point, you guys shared a lot of stuff. art supplies, notes, homework answers, xavier's clothes and so much more. people often commented on how you guys were always attached to the hip.

"whatever loser. are you excited for the new year?" you take a bite out of your pizza only for xavier to then take another bite out of said pizza. he nods his head while chewing on the cheesy goodness.

"yeah, i think it's gonna be a better year then this one."

"i agree." you guys ended up just taking turns biting the pizza until it was gone.

"i could go for another slice. you?"

"eh why not." xavier went to grab another slice before ajax called both of your names to get your attention.

"hey lovebirds, come over here we're playing uno!" quickly grabbing another slice of pizza and putting it on the plate in your hand, xavier pulls you to the group.

it was the biggest uno game ever. from left to right sat ajax, enid, wednesday, kent, you, xavier, yoko, divina and bianca.

"do you guys always share food like that?" divina pointed to the shared plate between you and xavier.

"don't ask. they do this all the time for people that claim to not be dating," ajax shakes his head making eye contact with xavier. xavier felt like he could kill ajax because the boy was the only one who knew of his feelings for you. seeing as he was his best friend besides you.

"focus on the game and how i'm gonna whoop your asses in."

"oh y/n, tough talk for someone whose gonna lose!" bianca sends a smirk your way. that was your friendship though, super competitive but not too serious. enid dealt the cards and the competitive game began.

"xavier stop looking at my cards!"

"y/n, we're supposed to be best friends. best friends show each other their cards."

"no they fucking don't," you laughed and gently pushed his face from yours with your free hand that wasn't hiding your cards.

the game went on for about an hour before the winner called uno and out. it ended up being kent, who wasted no time in bragging. you threw your cards on the floor in front of your legs.

"aww baby, are you mad?" pet names also weren't unusual in your friendship with xavier. he just didn't know that the times he called you a pet name, your stomach fluttered and made you melt inside.

"yes. very mad."

"you'll be fine. it's just game." he wraps your arms around you bringing you into a hug.

"i know i know," you cuddled a little bit more into his side returning the hug.


everyone grabbed a red cup to prepare for the countdown. you took your place in a small corner of the library because your exhaustion was kicking in. xavier sees you and decided to join you.

"can't believe it's about to be a new year."


"me neither it seemed like christmas came and gone by so quickly." xavier nods with you agreeing that the end of the year felt so short.


"i'm totally not ready for school to end though."


"why y/n?"


"i don't know, just not ready to leave yet?" it was more of a question than a statement. how do you tell him you weren't ready to not spend pretty much every day together. he steps a little closer to you.


"i understand you to an extent. it's gonna be weird not seeing everyone every day." it was like he read your mind, super freaky.


"exactly! i'm gonna miss everyone in the summer even if i'll see them next school year."


xavier takes another step closer to you still keeping a small gap in between. "will you miss me?"


"oh xavier, you know i'm gonna miss you. you're my best friend." you felt shy under his gaze with those beautiful green eyes.


"what if i don't wanna be best friends anymore?" your heart dropped at his words. not be best friends anymore? he steps closer to where your noses are almost touching.


"what do you mean by that?" xavier licks his lips glancing down at yours.


"this," he quickly places his free hand and tugged you into a kiss. it was needy mainly full of tongue and you didn't mind this at all. you could hear the fireworks go off from the town but all you could focus on was the boy that had your heart.

"i meant that." he leans his forehead on yours. you were breathless and couldn't be more happier than right now.

"happy new year xavi," your whisper fell on his lips making him want to kiss you again and again.

"happy new year sweetheart."

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