126. Ajax Petropolus | I PICK MY POISON AND ITS YOU

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2nd person pov

god being best friends with him was hard. no matter what it was hard, the stares, the hand holding, the looks, everything it was tiring and it sent you straight for the edge.

drinking for breakfast wasn't a good thing but having your sanity for lunch was worse. even trying to keep your innocence for dinner but nothing as working, nothing at all. hell even getting high with xavier in his shed didn't work.

so there you were, in the woods with enid talking before you heard a growl and you turned to see the hyde. you looked at enid who whimpered and you ran your hand over her arm

"go, i can do this" you said and she nodded as she ran off. you turned back to the hyde and sighed. you lifted your hand and threw the fireball that conjured in your hand.

being someone with pyrokinesis was hard but it was also fun. it also meant that you could heal yourself and anyone else.

"Y/N" you heard and you turned to see ajax. the hyde ran to him and scratched him deeply.

"AJAX" you yelled and you threw the fireball at the hyde burning it's back and making it run away. you knew that maybe it was a little dramatic , you knew that you could save him but what if it was deep? what if it was hard to save him?

"stay still" you told him as you kneeled down next to him and put your hand on his chest

"why would you do that?" you asked after you healed him and checked the now healed wound again. he stared at you as he saw your hand shaking and grabbed it

"hey hey i'm okay" he said and you looked in his eyes as he looked at yours and sighed. he didn't know what was going on but seeing you in so much worry

"but what if you weren't aj? what if i couldn't save you? what if i wasn't here? that was so stupid" you exclaimed and he shook his head as he put his hand on your cheek and ran his thumb over your face

"i couldn't let you get hurt" he said and you scoffed as you grabbed his wrist and looked in his eyes

"but you could let yourself get hurt?" you asked and he laughed

"i can't let anything happen to you, i need you" he whispered and you could feel him whisper as he laid on the forest floor and you sighed

"ya know nothing ever gets me high like you do. i think you're my poison, i picked my poison and it's you" he said and you made eye contact as you stared at him. you didn't care that it was dark and the hyde had ran off

"can i kiss you?" he asked and you nodded as he leaned in and kissed you softly. you put your hand on his cheek with a smile and you kissed him back. he was safe and that was what mattered.

nothing could kill him the way you do. the kiss went straight to his head and sent him straight to the edge but he didn't care. he finally had you. he finally got to be with you.

even his stupid thoughts ended good. 

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