116. Wednesday Addams | I Love You

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Wednesday hadn't seen you the whole day. Which was extremely unusual seeing that you had most of your classes together and you were always on time, almost never missing a day of school. She even asked Enid where you were seeing that Enid usually knew about everyone's whereabouts, but when she got a "no idea. I haven't seen Y/N since dinner yesterday" in response from Enid so she went back to her dorm and sent Thing to go look for you in your room while she started packing in case she had to go exploring for you in the woods, not surprised if you had gone out looking for clues about the hyde again much to her dismay.

Five minutes later Thing came scrambling back into Wednesday's dorm and onto her desk before signaling that you were laying in your bed coughing and looking quite ill after garlic poisoning from the blood soup you had for dinner the night before.

That's when Wednesday really started to get worried, who would put garlic in your soup like that? everyone knew that garlic could be deadly for a vampire. But she didn't have time to think about that now, she had to get to you as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later she was back from the woods with a squirrel she had shot down from a tall tree with Xavier's bow that she had managed to borrow after threatening to chop off all his fingers if he refused. She was planning to drain the blood from the squirrel to make you a warm cup of blood for you to enjoy. She would much rather have you drink hers as usual but she knew that considering the condition you were in right now that it was a chance you wouldn't be able to contain yourself and might accidentally drink too much of her blood.

She made Thing carry the cup of blood while she carried with the dark typewriter and some paper to continue her novel about Viper's adventures in.

When she got to your dorm and knocked getting no response she quietly walked in, immediately spotting your sleeping body, she sighed and walked over to you bending down to give your forehead a soft kiss filled with love before walking over and sitting by your desk continuing to write about Viper's mysteries.

After writing for about an hour and a half she got up from her seat, stretching her back before sitting back down onto the edge of your bed, setting the cup of blood down on the small table you had beside you before reading out loud everything she had been writing on in the last hour.

You didn't wake up before a little after midnight noticing the strong smell of delicious blood that was coming from next to you. You looked to your side starving and grabbed the cup drinking up every single drop of the lukewarm blood in a few seconds. You then notice the small note that was laying next to the cup before picking it up and curiously reading its contents.

"Love will leave few bruisesOn several occasions.It will hit some veins, And do some damage in parts of youThat the eyes can't see.But,It will not give you bullet woundsNor will cut deep to the soulIt will never become a bystander whileYour heart bleeds to death. W. A."

You smiled widely at your girlfriends poem and actions knowing this was her way of saying

"I love you"

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