161. Xavier Thorpe | Cold Hands, warm hearts

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Xavier Thorpe x Reader

Summary: Xavier has been training in the snow, so you sneak out to keep him company.


There was a cold wind biting at your skin as you walked. You hugged your coat closer to yourself, taking big steps across Nevermore's gardens.

In the distance, you could already make out Xavier's silhouette in front of a huge tree, the way he carefully raised the bow and pulled his arm back just before letting the arrow go.

It hit just a few inches to the left of the bullseye and he had a small smile on his face when you reached him.

"Hey you," you greeted softly, coming to stand beside him.

The day was as grey as it gets, filled with clouds and not a single sight of sun rays, it looked like snow would start falling soon.

"Hey," Xavier dropped his bow and turned to you, soft surprise written all over his face for seeing you. He planted a kiss on your forehead; "what're you doing here?"

"Came to bring you inside," you grinned up at him, "it's getting too cold Xavi, you'll get sick if you stay out much longer."

He chuckled, glancing down at his feet and causing his hair to cover his reddening cheeks. He always felt some type of way when you cared for him.

"I have just a few more arrows left, I won't be long. I'll get inside in a bit," he promised.

"Alright," you stuffed your hands in your pockets, stepping a bit to the side to give him room.

Xavier glanced at you with the beginnings of a frown, and before he could inquire, you said; "I'm not going back without you, if you're staying, I'm staying."

With a lovesick smile, Xavier returned to his stance aligned with the target, muttering under his breath; "and you still wonder why I say I love you ten times a day."

You watched him train with a faint grin on your lips, feeling just about hypnotized by the way he moved.

He shot the last of his arrows by the time that a slight snowfall had started, tiny flakes falling from the sky and clinging to your hair and clothes.

"That's our cue to go, I think." Xavier stashed away his bow and walked up to you, both his hands instantly reaching out to tuck themselves under your coat.

You hissed at his cold palms, your shirt doing little to prevent the feeling from reaching your skin, "you're freezing," you muttered, winding your arms around his shoulders anyway.

"You're the one who insisted on staying," he pouted, his thumbs massaging your hips.

There were snowflakes already covering a big part of Xavier's long hair, a few landing on his flushed cheeks and nose, and a bold one falling right on the corner of his lips.

You nagged on your bottom lip before standing on your tippy toes, tugging on the lapel of his jacket as you reached up slowly to take away the little snowflake with a tender kiss.

Xavier squeezed you to him, turning his head to capture your lips properly in a chaste kiss before you could pull away.

"Yeah I did," you said, feeling the brush of his lips against yours as you spoke, "but now I'd love a warm bath and some cuddling in bed."

Your first answer was his lips on yours yet again, a peck all soft and intimate before Xavier said; "took the words right out of my mouth."

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