125. Bianca Barclay | CEILINGS

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bianca barclay x reader!!

warnings: elusions to fighting, sex, and other things.


3rd Person POV

this felt so real, it was real. you told yourself it was real, it felt like the start to a movie you had seen before and you liked the movie. you liked the beginning, middle and the end. movies like this were fun and kept your mind happy. they made you happy and you didn't want to let it go but at some point you had to.

at some point, you had to realize that it wasn't real. it had never been real and if it was real, then you wouldn't known.

she had driven you home that night after you sat in a parking lot with her for hours talking about everything and anything you could. the top of her car was down, the rain poured fown on you and you were now covered in rain but it was nice , lovely even.

she kissed you after she dropped you off and it felt so real. like the beginning of a movie you had seen before, now here you were in your bed, no clothes and she was holding your hips against hers as she rocked herself against you. after that, you laid there together in silence

"i like just laying here with you ya know" you told her and she leaned over as she kissed you softly. you didn't care about the fact that your parents could be heard yelling downstairs. it was nice to sit there between comfort and chaos with her. lovely.

but it was over as soon as it began. she drove you home after you hung out again and when she dropped you off, she kissed you again.

"i love you" you blurted, it just came out and you didn't know what to do. you got up and out of the car as soon as the only thing that came out of her mouth was

"oh" she said and you sighed

"i'm sorry, i'm going to go" you said and you got up and out of the car as fast as you could. you felt mortified and disgusted.

after that nothing was the same, it didn't feel real and there was only one reason why it didn't feel real. because it wasn't, she wasn't real, the relationship wasn't real

"y/n" your mom has said after she stared at you laying in your bed for a while

"yeah mom?" you asked

"that bianca girl, she hasn't been here in a while. did something happen?" your mother questioned and you shrugged and shook your head. you acted like you didn't know but you do. god you knew what happened so well

"no mom. nothing happened" you said and she kissed your forehead and left your room. you took your phone out and went to bianca's text

'hey b, can we talk?' was all you typed but when you went to send it, what stared back at you made you realize everything

'this number has blocked you or removed you from their contacts. please try again' it said. the text you sent was green and the one staring back at you wasn't.

"none of it was real. it didn't happen, she doesn't exist. she didn't kiss you, nothing happened. you told yourself" but you knew it was a lie. it did happen, it had so obviously happened but now it was a lie.

all of it was a lie and it hurt. it truly hurt. you couldn't wait for something that wouldn't come, you put your phone back down and you stared at the ceiling.

the ceilings kept you calm and grounded. ceilings were real but bianca wasn't.

bianca wasn't real. 

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