89. Wednesday & Enid | The Addams Murder Mystery

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Content Warnings: Murder, Death, Blood, Trauma, Wrongful imprisonment,Jealousy, Betrayal. Location : A film set.

Wednesday, Enid, and Y/N stood on the film set, staring at the lifeless body of the female victim. She was in her early twenties and was a student in Nevermore, and had been dead for at least two weeks. The victim appeared to have been suffocated, and Wednesday couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

"Who would do something like this?" Enid asked, her voice trembling.

"Someone who had a grudge against her," Y/N said, looking around the set for any clues.

Wednesday nodded, her mind racing. "We need to find out who had a motive to kill her."

The three of them began to search the set for any clues, and it wasn't long before they found something. A script for the film that the victim had been working on. It had been torn in half, and there were two names written on it: Xavier and Tyler.


"These must be our suspects," Wednesday said, her heart racing.

"But why would they want to kill her?" Enid asked.

Y/N frowned. "Maybe they were jealous of her success. Or maybe they had a personal grudge against her."

Wednesday nodded. "We need to find out more about them. Enid, you should go talk to the other cast and crew members. See if they know anything about Xavier and Tyler. Y/N, you should go to the victim's apartment and see if you can find any clues there."

Enid and Y/N nodded, and set off to do their tasks. Wednesday stayed on the film set, trying to piece together what had happened. She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something off about the whole situation.

As Enid was talking to the cast and crew members, she found out that Xavier and Tyler had been friends with the victim for a long time. But their friendship had turned sour when the victim ended a long-term relationship with one of them. Enid couldn't tell which one it was as both of them were trying to keep a low profile.

Y/N, on the other hand, found some interesting things in the victim's apartment. There were pictures of the victim with Xavier and Tyler, but there were also pictures of her with someone else, someone who was not in the cast or crew of the film. Y/N couldn't put her finger on who it was but she felt like it was important.

Wednesday was deep in thought when Enid and Y/N returned. They told her what they had found out and showed her the pictures. Wednesday looked at the pictures closely and then it hit her. "I know who the killer is," she said, her voice steady.

"Who is it?" Enid and Y/N asked in unison.

"It's Xavier," Wednesday said, her eyes meeting theirs. "He was the one in the long-term relationship with the victim. He must have killed her out of jealousy and revenge."

Enid and Y/N nodded, and the three of them set off to confront Xavier. As they approached him, he tried to run, but Wednesday was too quick for him. She caught him and brought him to the police station.

The case was solved, but the memory of the victim's death would stay with them forever. They couldn't shake off the feeling that they could have done something to prevent it, but they were just glad that the killer was caught and brought to justice. The suspenseful case had finally come to an end, right?

As Xavier was being taken into custody, Wednesday couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right. She had been so sure that he was the killer, but what if she had been wrong?

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