143. Wednesday Addams | Indée Fixe

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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x harpy!Reader

Summary: A moment to shut down Xavier's ass. And a moment to calm down Wednesday.


Jealousy is not a word for Wednesday or Y/N. There was an undeniable trust between them that others were a bit envious of. No matter how many flirted neither would bother with said person. Many found it unfair that the goth could so easily reach out and caress the feathers that shone with the ray of sunlight. As if they ever had a right to.

Wednesday subconsciously traced the inside of the wing while they read on one of the benches of the quad. Her back as always straight maintaining her posture as the harpy was fully facing her. Head on the dark girl's shoulder as a soft rumble of different chitters and purrs emanated from her chest. The hand stopped suddenly and she held it forward with a black feather between her fingers.

"It was already loose, don't worry." the harpy said as she saw Wednesday inspecting. A smile growing as she saw the girl hold it to her lips.

"Would you mind if I turned it into my quill, cara mia?"

"Not at all."

Their quiet time interrupted by one tall boy, Thorpe. He stood infront of them and cleared his throat. "We gotta work on the project."

Both sent a sneer his way, Wednesday and him had been paired for an assignment it was true. That didn't mean it wasn't annoying for them. Xavier had been grinding on Y/N's gears, finding a way to always show up and interrupt time with her girlfriend.

While spending time with him wasn't what the girl wanted she was always responsible to make sure to finish her work. They had gone to do their work, but not before you made a display of kissing her full lips. Just to rub it in, it was always fun.

"You definitely spend a lot of time with Y/N." Wednesday had suffered through the ours of their assignment did he really need to keep conversation after. "It should be expected. Even before she became my lover we spent quite some time together.""Didn't think you would be a sappy kind of person when dating." His voice had a bit annoyance dripping off. "Not a subject I have to discuss. What I do or don't is none of anyone's concern." Her jaw tightened, he had been throwing little comments here and there since the Rave'N."Just saying. You don't seem to have time for your friends." he pressed. "On the contrary, my schedule has not been derailed. I still have time to be dragged to Enid's persistent outings, as well as meetings with Eugene.""Even then Y/N joins a lot on those. What—"Wednesday turned with a glare, patience running very low. "She has joined from the moment we met. If you're trying to say something just get on with it as I am tired of you're incessant whining.""You met her some months ago and for whatever reason you became obsessed with her. You had no time to hang out or even talk. I mean shit even when we went together to the dance you paid attention to her. And then suddenly you're dating, you trusted her so quick, did you learn nothing from getting with Tyler."There was a moment of silence as the raven haired girl contemplated many violent scenarios in her mind. Her gaze fierce as she stepped forward. "From the very beginning I had been quite clear that going to the dance was repayment for last year nothing more. I have plenty of time for my friends, just not to coddle your feelings. Perhaps if you weren't blinded by your unwarranted jealousy and skewed idea of how I should be you'd actually be more bearable to be near by. She has never demanded my attetion, I've given it freely."The only thing I will give you is that you are right, in that the boys who pursued me last year were quite a disappointment."

The loud knock that reverberated on your door scared the hell out of you. Concentrated on meticulously expanding the wing of the ulysses butterfly accidentally tearing from it's thorax. "Shit."

Opening the door in came a furious Wednesday Addams. She walked right in without saying a word and just stood there fuming. Closing the door you stayed there. Neither of you moved or said anything. It was best not to push her when she was like this, letting her process her anger.

"Xavier seems to have issues with our relationship." If you rolled your eyes any harder you might see your own damn brain. "Of course he does. Me telling him to have some dignity didn't work. Probably cause there's none left."

You could tell she wanted to go and wreak havoc. The petty arguments were getting old and fast. Walking towards her you offered your hand out and she took it gently, even if she was feeling far from gentle. You guided her hand to your lips kissing each knuckle and her fingetips. She got closer to you, her body flush to yours. It wasn't a hug, she didn't want to feel caged but still wanted to be pressed up against you.

"I have some bugs that I was working on. Do you want to pin or tear the ones that are disposable?" She definitely felt like poking holes in something and she curtly nodded against you.

You sat down on the chair in your work station and guided her to your lap. She immediately started pinning the butterfly through the thorax, pin after pin riddling it. Her shoulders slowly becoming less tense as she abused the poor carcass and your soft lips hovered over her neck and thumbs rubbed small circles on her waist.

"Set a boundary, mi vida. If Xavier pestering you drives you to anger every time, it's better to not interact with him for a while. Tell him that if he can't behave maturely that you'll cut him off. Like a tumor, a benign one people can live with. But if it becomes malignant then it's time to go."

Wednesday kept on putting pin after pin while she thought over your words. A reasonable ending to the conflict, sure. Not what she had in mind, she did not feel like being reasonable. "I was thinking of burning his shed. With him in it."

You laughed and squeezed her. "Yeah, that is gonna put you behind bars. I prefer you here."

The dark haired girl's lips quirked. She definitely preferred to be here with you. But she was certain together you could remove any trace of evidence.

She'll hold off only to try your idea first.

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