63. Wednesday Addams | December Chaos

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Tumblr : cosmicpearlz

summary: you try crocheting a sweater for your girlfriend and it seems like everything that could go wrong, goes wrong.

pairing: wednesday addams x fem!reader

day 3 of ficmas (december 21st, 2022)


wednesday addams, the girl who couldn't care less about love or feelings was in a relationship. a public relationship at that. you guys got together when wednesday kissed you out of nowhere while you guys were checking on the bees. you'd always had feelings for the goth girl but never once thought they were reciprocated. that was a couple of months ago.

though she still wasn't as comfortable with hugs or affection, she tried to make sure you knew she loved you. instead of holding hands, you guys would link your pinkys together. it shocked everyone at nevermore when you guys were seen walking down the hallway to class with linked pinky's for the first time. but wednesday didn't care about other people's opinions and she wasn't gonna start caring any time soon.

"hey enid, do you have any good tutorials for making a sweater vest?" you asked her from wednesday's side of the room. you were waiting for her to get back from class.

"i'm pretty sure i do. why what's up?"

"well i wanted to crochet wednesday a sweater vest for a christmas gift since she wears them all the time." enid's smile grew upon hearing your reasoning.

"you know, i think it's cute you want to give your girlfriend a handmade gift! here let me send you the youtube channel i watch," she grabs her phone to send a link to the channel.

"thanks enid."

"what are you thanking her for y/n?" you jumped back and faced your girlfriend. when the hell did she even get in the room?

"wednesday babe, you have to stop scaring me like that." you turned to glance at enid before staring back at her, "i was just thanking her for choosing my new nail color. i was debating between a couple of colors." wednesday eyed you suspiciously, she knew you were lying to her but for now she wasn't going to question it.


it was the last week of school before break and you still couldn't crochet the vest. you had scrolled through the youtube channel enid sent finding the perfect vest you knew your girlfriend will like. it was gray, black and white and have spiders and scorpions on it. but you couldn't even get passed actually making the animals.

immediately after the fifth time attempting, you threw the crochet hook across the room and cried in your hands. you felt like a failure who couldn't even make her loved one something special. you were glad your roommate yoko had stepped out of the room to hang with the sirens as it was too embarrassing to be seen like this.

wednesday hadn't seen you all day today and she was beginning to become worried. you weren't in class and none of your friends had seen you. she even asked your roommate but yoko refused to answer. were you ignoring her on purpose?

"thing where is she?"

the hand panicked and signed to her that he didn't know. of course, he knew and so did everyone else. you had told them not to say anything because you needed this vest to be a complete surprise.

"i will pluck your finger nails one by one. where is my girlfriend?"

thing gave up your location after the threat of losing his finger nails. that was not worth it at all to him. without saying any more, wednesday makes her way to your dorm room. she steps inside not even knocking but she does that all the time anyways. there she found on you on the floor crying with your computer pushed to the side, a crochet hook a few feet away and yarn.

"y/n?" you looked up to see your girlfriend and burst out into more tears. sobbing back in your hands, you felt worse now that she was in here. wednesday's hard face soften at the sight of you.

"what is all of this?"

"i tried making you a sweater vest for christmas and i can't get it right," you stuttered out the words. wednesday walks up to sit next to you on floor.

"why are you crying then?"

"because i wanted it to be perfect for you. i'm not even a good girlfriend, i can't make a simple stupid vest," the black haired girl pulls you into a hug without hesitation. this was different for her but she didn't want to invalidate your feelings. never wanting to hurt you.

"you're a great girlfriend. though i appreciate the gesture, it's not necessary."

"but wednes-" she shushed you holding you a bit tighter. you took the time to wrap your arms around her too. you liked when she hugged you because it didn't happen often.

"cara mia, you need not to stress yourself. you are a good girlfriend and for that i love you," wednesday blinks realizing she finally said the words out loud. you paused your cries and glanced up at her.

"do you really mean that?" you sniffled quietly. she nods her head slowly suddenly scared of the way her stomach fluttered.

"i love you too wednesday," you hugged her again and she was thankful you couldn't see the blush that warmed her cheeks. she cleared her throat for a second before lightly pushing you away. wednesday then wipes the remaining tears off of your face.

"you tell anyone about this and i will deny it," she's quick to shuffle away even though her heart is pounding at the thought of holding you again.

"i will never tell," you giggled and kissed your girlfriend's cheek before moving to clean the floor. wednesday had managed to make you feel better about not finishing the vest. you had gotten a hug and a cute pet name of this. maybe you should be sad more often.

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