159. Xavier Thorpe | Splash of Fun

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Tumblr : robinbuckleysgfreall

Summary: reader and Xavier have a bath together and reader washes Xavier's hairWarnings: suggestive but mostly fluff, nakedness but no sex, reader is smaller than Xavier/he's able to pick reader up


"Please Xavier," you pout again looking at him from where you sat on his lap, fingers wrapped through his long hair.

"Fine, but I don't understand why you want to wash my hair so bad" he fake sighed teasingly before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom in his dorm and plopping you down on the edge of the bathtub. "I'll go get your fancy smelling bubble bath whilst you run the water ok?" He said kissing the tip of your nose as you nodded up at him.

About 10 minutes later the tub was full and Xavier returned with the bubble bath, some towels and a candle. "Is the candle really necessary baby?" You asked giggling. "Well excuse me for trying to be romantic" he laughed lighting the candle and placing it on the window sill. "Now hurry up and get naked before the water goes cold."

You both undressed, stealing glanced at the others body, you blushing at the sight of his beautiful body despite seeing it every day anyways. "Babe as much as I love staring at your ass," he gave it a smack and you stuck your tongue out at him. "I thought you wanted to wash my hair."

You both settled in the tub, him in-front of you with your arms wrapped round his waist placing kisses along his toned back and shoulders before grabbing the Shampoo and and raking it through his hair causing you to laugh at him as he moaned out at you massaging his head. You grabbed a cup from the side and began rinsing the shampoo out purposefully splashing him in the face once you were finished.

"Oh your so gonna pay for that later" he spluttered out and you giggled as he attempted to turn himself around but his legs were too long so you stood up and carefully stepped over him to sit in front of him on his lap again. (Like ur facing him does that make sense) "oh hello" he smiled down at you giving you a peck and pulling you close chests flesh against each other.

You finished washing each other, placing kisses all over as you went before getting out and draining the bath, wrapping warm in a towel.


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