164. Xavier Thorpe | Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls

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Summary: It's Friday and everyone is heading out to Jericho for some fun. But you and Xavier think you can have plenty of fun right in his dorm.

TW: profanity, innuendo, sexual situations, p in v sex, fucking without protection (wrap it before you tap it, kids)

Word Count: 1,744 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Wednesday characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.

You tap your pencil against your notebook impatiently, staring at the clock, willing it to go faster. Xavier looks over and gives you a small smile.

"So anxious."

"Shut up," you mumble as he takes your hand in his, "I just want this stupid class to be over."

"I thought herbology is your favorite," Xavier raises an eyebrow at you, nudging you.

You give your boyfriend a dirty look, "Don't be cute. I need this class to be over."

"I wonder why."

And Ms. Thornhill tells you that class is over and you can pack your things. All of your belongings are quickly and carelessly tossed into your bag while Xavier watches you in amusement.

Ever since Rowan left, or was murdered according to Wednesday, your boyfriend has had his dorm to himself. And last weekend, after he snuck you in, he made a suggestion that's been cemented in your mind ever since he said it.

"Hey, you remember that movie? Titanic?"

You look at him, curious, "Where Leo dies?"

"Well, that's part of it," he grins slightly, "Would you let me draw you like that?"

"Wait, when he draws the girl naked?"


As you're leaving the classroom, Ms. Thornhill pulls you aside, needing to talk to you about something to do with your roommate, Yoko. You sigh, hiding your annoyance as best as you can, turning to Xavier.

"I'll meet you up there," you say quietly.

He presses a quick kiss to your forehead before walking out of the room. You can't help but stare after him and admire him. His broad shoulders, the grace with which he carries himself. He turns back and winks at you, making you laugh quietly.

After Ms. Thornhill finally releases you, you race up to your dorm, ignoring Enid's excited wave. You love her, but for fuck's sake, if you miss out on time with your boyfriend to hear her complain about that dumbass stoner kid, you're going to murder her.

Yoko is in your room, watching you with slight interest as you quickly change your clothes, "You and Xavier going into town?"

You shake your head, grinning at her, "No, no we are not. We're staying in, if you know what I mean."

She snickers, heading out the door, "Have fun."

"Oh, I will!"

You hear her laugh again before she closes the door.

You quickly rid yourself of your underwear, wanting to surprise Xavier when you show up and take your uniform off. You can practically see his face in your mind's eye. You fix your makeup and hair before walking over to your boyfriend's dorm.

Weems almost catches you, so you duck behind a Poe statue, rendering yourself invisible. After she leaves, you bolt over to Xavier's dorm, banging on the door.

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