124. Ajax Petropolus | AUGUST

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Tumblr : anthemabby

break ups were hard like any. it was hard to go to same school and have the same schedule and the same friend group and practically the same everything, that's how it was for y/n and ajax. they had decided that breaking up would be better for them because they believed that they were better as friends but who was to them that? 

they broke up in september and it was now january. memories didn't fade and they didn't either. it was hard for them to do anything anymore. they felt helpless and y/n was going to lose their mind

"y/n" xavier called out and they lifted their head as they looked at him and he sighed

"are you okay? you look a little tired" he said and y/n felt eyes on them as they looked around and made eye contact with ajax who had a worried look on his face and it made their heart beat faster.

"yeah yeah i didn't sleep that much last night" they replied and xavier sighed as he leaned his head as the table and stopped drawing

"i'll stop by later to make sure you actually get some sleep. you can't keep doing this" he said and y/n nodded with a sigh

"i know, i'm trying" they stated and they went through the rest of the day tired and looking dead. when they got back to their dorm, they changed out of their uniform and they let themselves fall back onto the bed with a groan. they stated at the ceiling before they turned and started to play songs on their laptop

"y/n. can i come in?" they heard and they lifted their head from their pillow as they sighed

"come in" they called and the door opened as ajax walked in and y/n looked at him confused

"i thought you were going to be xavier" they said and he sighed

"sorry to disappoint" he said and then he heard the song playing from the laptop that had started right when he walked in

"i'm sorry" he began and y/n looked even more confused

"what?" they asked and they sat up as he sat next to them and grabbed their hands

"i was an idiot for breaking up with you. it was stupid and i shouldn't have done it. i thought that you were going to leave me and i couldn't handle that so i left before you could so please please please take me back" he said and y/n sighed as they leaned their forehead against his

"why didn't you tell me? we could've talked about it" they said and he nodded

"i was scared and being stupid. i should've told you, i know that you were support me and make me understand but i was scared and worried that you would leave me so i didn't say anything.'please" he exclaimed and y/n nodded their head

"of course i'll take you back but don't be so stupid next time or we might have an issue" they said and he smiled as he leaned in and kissed them softly

it was just like august. but they were each other's again and it was back to normal. or the way it should be. 

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