88. Enid Sinclair | SFW Alphabet

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A = Affection, how affectionate are they? How do they show affection?

Enid is one of the most affectionate people you've ever had the pleasure of knowing. She hugs you every time she sees you, kisses you on the cheek when she feels like it, holds your hand when you walk and when you sit opposite each other. If you're not the most touchy-feely person ever, she either makes up for it by being as affectionate as three people put together, or she holds back somewhat so at not to make you uncomfortable. Enid always asks whether something she is doing is okay or not, she can't fathom doing something that would upset you.

B = Best friend, what would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?

She is a very very loyal best friend, and you count yourself extremely lucky to have her on your side. She's the type of friend who you can text once asking if she's busy and she will drop everything and run to you. You guys have regular movie sessions, study together often and she has your coffee/drinks order memorised (she loves the way your face lights up when she appears with your favourite). The friendship likely starts because you sit together in class and laugh about some little joke, or you're humming a song quietly that she recognises-prompting her to turn to you and pronounce you both as best friends from this day forward. After that, you're pretty much inseparable.

C = Cuddles, do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?

She LOVES to cuddle! One of Enid's favourite places to be is lying between your legs, head on your chest and arms around your waist as you stroker her hair or draw patterns on her back. She hasn't realised yet, but when you guys lay like this she frequently starts purring quietly. Enid also loves being the little spoon between you guys, but doesn't mind being the big spoon for you sometimes if you'd like. If we're being honest, you've both gotten in trouble at Nevermore quite a few times because you were caught sneaking into each others rooms literally just to cuddle (now you have the route to each others rooms down to a T).

D = Domestic, do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?

Enid heard stories as a child of wolves finding their perfect mates, made for them in every way. Though, she has always been skeptical of seeing someone across the room and suddenly knowing you were meant to be together-it did seem slightly too far fetched even for her eternally optimistic mind. And then, as cliche as it sounds, she saw you. She was just walking away from the Weathervane, shopping in one hand and drink in the other, when you bounded down the street, shoes pounding on the concrete and coat flying behind you. You swung into the door of the coffee shop, greeted some regulars, laughed at something Tyler said and grabbed an apron to tie around your waist-all while Enid stared through the window, having stopped in the middle of the street to watch you, with a lovesick expression on her face. Visits to the Weathervane became pretty frequent after that.

E = Ending, if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?

It would be very tearful on both sides, no matter the circumstances. She would do it away from everyone else, and she has to force herself not to touch you. All she would want to do is gather you in her arms and reassure you, let you know it's all going to be okay-and she knows if she gets any closer to you or touches you in any way she'll cave and do just that. After a little while (lets pretend you weren't her 'mate' as I mentioned in the previous head canon), you guys learn to deal with each others presence without too much pain, and actually end up being rather good friends for a pair of ex's.

F = Fiance(e), how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?

Once she finds you, she's immediately very infatuated with you and would marry you in a split second if you asked. However, for her, knowing you're literally meant to be together is permanent enough. She's not hugely fussed about following some legal thing because she knows you guys are forever-although, if you were set on a wedding and a ceremony etc, she wouldn't hesitate to make sure it was exactly everything you'd ever wanted. Even though she doesn't deem it necessary for your relationship, she would be equally as involved in planning and sorting it out since she can see it's so important to you.

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