20. Larissa Weems | Seen

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Tumblr : theunreliablewriter

Pairing: Larissa Weems x Fem!Teacher!Reader

Warnings: Insecurities over powers, Kissing


Word Count: 853

Request: Hi! Thank you for the opportunity, i would like the following :) Larissa Weems x Reader first day of year school after they become an official couple (teacher-director relationships) can be first day of school after the whole Hyde-Thornhill deal, she (Larissa) would of course be alive. Thank you! You are very kind


You had dreamed of this day since you were first dropped off as a new student at Nevermore Academy. Though, almost everyone in your life questioned why.

They would ask, "Why would you want to return to a school of outcasts that made you feel like an outcast?"

And they were right.

During your youth, you were an outcast, and that especially included your years at the boarding school.

Your classmates never bullied you, nor were they ever necessarily rude to you. But you always wondered if that was only because they were afraid of you — afraid of what you could do to them without ever being noticed.

Nevermore had served as the home of numerous powerful beings, but none quite like you. With your power of invisibility, people kept their distance because who knows what you would have done to them over the most mild inconvenience? If they were to become your friend and, someday, angered you, would you retaliate without anyone being able to bear witness?

And this devastated you. You initially had thought they would have found your ability interesting, if not cool. How could they assume the worst by thinking you would use it to harm?

You were born with the ability to go unseen, but never did you truly feel invisible until your first days at Nevermore.

But, now, as your first day as a teacher, you were ready to start anew. And unlike before, you were not doing it alone.

"What if they find me boring?"

"Boring?!" The woman carrying an unbelievable number of boxes scoffed before placing them on your oversized desk. "Why do you think that?"

With a shrug, your gaze fell to the floor, as you quietly responded, "I don't know. I'm just nervous, I suppose. I want everything to go so well this time."

The single click of a high heel echoed in the vast room, and that was all it took for the towering woman you still could not believe you had the privilege of calling your significant other to place herself directly in front of you.

You felt the soft skin of her long finger gently push against the bottom of your chin until you were staring upwards into her entrancing blue eyes.

"I insist you listen to me, (Y/N)," Larissa spoke with a firmness to ensure you knew her level of seriousness. Of course, though, as it never was with you, her voice was not at all harsh. "Your time here will be everything you wish it to be and more. I will personally make sure of it."

"But I don't want you making it easy for me."

"Such as how?"

"I don't know. Scaring the students, whether it's with those intimidating stares you do so well or making them do detention in the woods at night."

Larissa laughed, making your heart flutter at the sound you could not get enough of. "I will do no such thing. Your success will be entirely of your own making, and I have not a single doubt you would not even need my help if I offered it. You are a wonderful teacher, my darling. You are of intelligence beyond your years. Your personality is addictive — one that has the ability to make anyone happy within mere moments of being around you. You are fun and naturally hilarious. By the end of the first day tomorrow, I am certain I will be hearing you are countless students' new favorite teacher."

Despite the smile already wanting to form on your face, your insecurity from the past could not help but ask, "You don't think they will be afraid of me?"

Her gaze softened beyond what it already was. Her large hands grasped your face as she brought her own so dangerously close. "Not in the slightest, my sweet girl. Believe me, if they are not frightened by my return after thinking I was dead, and surely, if they are still not terrified of our dear student Wednesday who you will come to know, there is not a chance they will be fearful of you."

Still mentally battling the countless thoughts trying to tell you otherwise, all you could do in response was nod.

"If anything, they will come to appreciate your powers, if not be amazed by them," Larissa said to you. Somehow, her face had managed to move even closer than what it already was, allowing you to almost feel her words of, "But never, my love, will anyone be more amazed by you than I am."

Your lips barely had the opportunity to spilt into a full grin before you quickly closed the remaining space between them and hers.

Rising up onto your tiptoes, your fingers tangled into her perfectly styled hair. And your kiss only continued to deepen as her arms encircled your waist, pressing your body entirely against hers.

With how safe you felt in Larrisa's embrace, with knowing she would be there for you each and every day, every doubt seemingly evaded your mind in a single second.

Most importantly, with Larissa, you knew you would always be seen.

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