73. Enid Sinclair | Blind Reader HC

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She is even more protective over her obsession when they are blind because she is scared of what can happen to them when she is not around to help them, especially since they cannot see if something is being thrown in their direction and if they are approached by something/someone who is silent thee is a high chance her obsession would not know that they are there until they are touched or spooked by whatever approached them.

She will make sure to describe everything she sees to her obsession as to make up for the fact that her obsession cannot see, often describing colours or facial expressions when she is telling a story to her obsession about the latest gossip or funny thing that happened recently.

I can see her asking Wednesday for help to try and see if there is a way for her obsession to be able to see or at least make them able to sense things better than they already can with magic or another cure but if there is nothing that is able to help her obsession, she will ask Wednesday to keep an extra eye out for her obsession to make sure that they don't bump into anything that could harm her.

I can see her picking fights with anyone who makes fun of her obsessions lack of eyesight and specifically aims for their eyes with her claws out so that if she got them good they will have to deal with bad eyesight/lack of vision for the rest of their life.

And if she did manage to get them good she will make fun of them whenever her obsession is far away and unable to hear her mock the people whose visions she has ruined because they made fun of her obsessions lack of vision. She sees it as righteous karma and that they got what was coming for them.

She will learn how to write in braille and will give her obsession little notes in braille, guiding their hand to the beginning of the note and watching with a soft smile her obsession gets exited as they realize that she wrote something in braille and that they are able to 'read' her secret notes to them whenever they are in class.

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